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Please tell me that my youngest is such a handful because he's destined for great things, lol.


I've been sleeping on the floor in my middle child's room with Flying Marco Monster to avoid any more head injuries. That part is working according to plan...




I wake up multiple times every night to find the curious 7 month old roaming the room; laughing and trying to play with middle child's toy trucks, flipping the latch board toy, trying to get the board books out, climbing into bed with my middle child. The first night he poured a glass of water onto our makeshift floor bed... and onto me...


There's nothing that can hurt him (I'm pretty sure), but he certainly tries to find something to get into.


God, he's adorable. Thank God he's adorable. Lol.

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Well, they're challenging, but life is never dull!! :)


You might want to get the book "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Kurcinka. It's about parenting kids who are just MORE... everything. Spirited, energetic, intense. When I first read it, DS was a toddler and I wondered if the author had hidden cameras in my house, LOL.

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Be thankful you only have one of "those"!


I have two incredibly intense, challenging, highly active, busy, active, did I mention active girls and they don't sleep well! AND it's not just me, they are known by our family and friends to be a handful! So rest assured, you are not alone! :thumbup:

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Yes, your youngster is such a handful because he is destined for Great Things!


Hopefully that makes you feel better today! I can totally imagine my eldest doing that sort of thing when he was that age. This is the kid who dove head first down a flight of stairs at a year because "it was fun!". These days, he has jumped out of airplanes, flown in fighter jets, and still wants to be an astronaut and go to Mars. I don't know if greatness is in his future, but the ride should be interesting!

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