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MFW users...? about using Adventures


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We have used MFW several times over the years and always end up dropping it. Not because of the curriculum but because of discipline on my part. So I am at the point that I just want to stick something out for a few years.

Anyway, I would really like to do MFW Adventures next year with my 1st, 3rd and 5th grader. These are all boys and I think it would be a great fit for them. What are some ways that I can beef it up a bit for my 5th grader without having to tweak it too much on my end? I am really needing an open and go program at this point in our life so I don't want to have to change too much but want to make it worth while for him.

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I think the MFW board had a thread about this. And if you search here you will probably find something, too. I had considered combining my 2nd, 4th and 6th graders in Adventures this year, but decided against it. I would have had to do too much "tweaking" for the 6th grader to make it worth it for me. Others may find it completely doable for them. That being said, I'm not thrilled with the program we went with (AAH) b/c it was a bit too "dry" for my taste. I ended up ditching that after the first unit. I started using it as a framework/outline and using my own books to make it more exciting. Just a thought, but have you considered using the 1850-Mod. package? It would be more on target for your 5th grader and it includes a schedule for all the books from Adventures for younger sibs.

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We are doing Adventures with a third and first grader this year. I've found that I wanted a little bit more input for oldest dd, so we found an American history textbook for me to read with her. And I've been pulling more books for her to read from other websites, like Sonlight. I think you would have to add quite a bit to make it enough for a fifth grader.


If you really want to study American history you could try the year 4 or 5 of the history cycle offered by MFW. Or you could start at the beginning of the cycle with Exploring Countries and Cultures,

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I think it would take a lot of work on your part to change a 2nd grade level program into a 5th grade program for oldest. It's not just that you'd do more history...you'd do more Bible, and you'd need another science.


I think ECC would work better for them. your 7th grader can work independently in ECC for many things. My oldest did. (language arts, math, science, she did her geography research packet and country summary sheets on her own... )


If you really wanted.. you could start ADV now as fun stuff to make sure the 5th grader has some basics in US history. When my oldest was 2nd grade... ADV had not yet been written. We did ECC and added bits and pieces of US history (Liberty's Kids, School House Rock, field trips, some historical fiction). Did that on light and independent Fridays in ECC and afternoon fun.


as a full program... it would be a lot of work on you (given the big picture in your needs and family) to tweak ADV for the oldest. by the way.. I liked your plan B that you mentioned on MFW board. sounds fun, doable.... and a nice change of pace to get back into ECC in fall. I know with my oldest and middle, we were able to condense ADV one summer. We had finished RTR and 1st and were patiently waiting for MFW to release EX1850. So... we did Bible and Science from ADV. It was not hard to condense that part for summer fun. If you do ADV, as you mentioned on mfw board... then, give yourself permission to not have to do all of the history/state sheets, if it bogs you down. They'll get it again. Even the 5th grader who would start ECC will get some of this again in a few years. Even in ECC, there are some weeks to study USA, and 2 weeks at the end to do more on your own of a country.... if needed... you can read more on US at that time.



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