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Curriculum that is easy to stick with for the ADD mom


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So I will confess that I do love Sonlight and HOD...ok well for a couple weeks at a time then I need a break :) After a week off or so I am fine, but is there something that I can use that wont drive me nuts. I mean the kids are fine with whatever we do and they are learning, but it would just be nice if I had something that I could be consistant with for their sake ;)

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I'm completely talking out of my...... because I have never used Sonlight. I have been a Charlotte Mason style homeschooler for awhile now. I don't know the reading schedule of sonlight, but what about spreading it out over the entire year? Then you could read some of the books during the summer. We always have a book that we are reading the entire year.


I don't make schedules for reading anymore. We accomplish more than I would have planned, if I was still planning. You could also give yourself a break from reading books with audio books. If you are reading classics you could look for them on www.librivox.org. The audio on librivox is free, we have used it many times. We also use the audio books at our library. Audio books are better than sliced bread in this house!


If you are reading a biography of an individual you could try to find something at librivox for the particular subject instead of reading the suggested book. There is a site called The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project @ www.mainlesson.com. I was using this site to find books then searching for them at librivox. It takes the guess work out of choosing what is appropriate.

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You may need to look at some of those plans and make changes from week to week, doing them in a different way. I like change. If I had to read one book all year, I think I'd go mad. So I found finding some things and just either doing it in the way of a game instead, etc. I tried eclectic to suit my need for change, but it was always haphazard.

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With the ages of your kids, I'd suggest that you just stick with a math program and a grammar program. The rest you can mix it up however you like :laugh: I am also one of those who needs a lot of change. Every year I did something different - either in science, art, or history. And, if you are like me, a year of ANYTHING gets b.o.r.i.n.g!!! So we often did things in blocks.


I know that the idea of being chronological in all we do is considered best, but sometimes, if mom can't handle it, it's best to do something that mom enjoys as well. If you don't enjoy some aspect of the schooling, you'll get burned out. And a burned out mom is no fun and creates burned out students. With my last son, I just couldn't bear the thought of doing the same reading/phonics program I had done with his brothers. Honestly, I had the book(s) memorized and the thought of doing it again was just too much. So I ordered a new program, even though the old program was effective and I already had it. Sometimes we have to do something for mom :)


So, find something you are interested in and bring it to your kids :D

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