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What to take for anxiety/stress?


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Oh, and if you are not averse, A glass of wine and a yoga DVD does wonders too....my little guys will do yoga with me, and it makes them calmer as well. Sorry you are stressed. I am learning to calm down now too....


Oh, if all else fails, call the doctor and get some Xanax or Ativan. They both worked wonders for me when I needed them.

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I read that eating a bar of dark chocolate once a day for a week or more can reduce stress hormones. It's not a quick fix, but it's something.


I like hot tea and a good book that's an easy read that doesn't require thinking. You would need some quiet time for that though.

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motherwort. I was just doing research on this for on of my college kids. Motherwort is supposed to be calming but not sleep inducing. She takes a combo herbal to help her sleep. It has valerian and passionflower in it. Getting enough sleep helps with anxiety, so it is essential you get sleep. During the day she can take several 8-10drops worth. It tastes TERRIBLE! I tried it. But, what I read said that the tea or pills don't help. I put it in a small glass a of juice and she takes it in one gulp.


For my dd just talking it out helps her tremendously. Do you have someone you can confide in?

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B Vitamins

Taking walks outside - even just short ones, fresh air works wonders

A couple of small pieces of dark chocolate each day

An occasional glass of wine in the evenings


Talking things out with a close friend

Reading fluff

Watching a favorite movie

Listening to favorite music

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Thanks. No time for yoga, books etc. A family member got in to trouble and we're dealing with the fallout of that. Thanks.


Please, for *situational* anxiety, stress and worry, don't think of "taking something".


Instead, please think through the issues you are dealing with, and seek the appropriate support and information for that. Look into stress management and coping skills. Learn what are your appropriate boundaries of activity and action within the situation.


Drugs (even naturals) for anxiety are serious and should be considered for "anxiety" as a diagnosis. What you are dealing with is a life-created crisis. To respond to that healthfully, you need to think in terms of crisis management which includes support, information, self care, etc.

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"Take" exercise. A brisk 10 min walk or 10 min of dance or whatever you can do. Try for 2-3 times per day. Outside is best if weather permits, because nature is calming as well.


You don't "lose" time spent in exercise because your brain will function better afterwards. It saves you the time you waste spinning around in your head.

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Impressed by Joanne's reply and agreeing with her. Also "seconding" the encouragement for exercise.


Kava-kava has serious potential health dangers. I used it for a while, then learned more.


Although GABA does not cross the blood-brain barrier, according to scientific studies, I have found that it does, nevertheless, calm me down. Occasionally I have taken GABA during a "situational" crisis, with quick aid resulting. I don't use it regularly.


Prescriptive meds sound like "overkill" for what you describe.


Hope your situation settles out safely soon, and that you soon feel better.

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Doctors will write scripts for Xanax and ativan over the phone?


That sounds messed up to me.


Ativan (sometimes) knocks my DD out when she is having uncontrolled seizures. I'm sure they are giving her a much bigger dose but still... :confused1:


Generally only if it is your regular doctor who knows you well. If they know you are in general good health and don't seek out meds, I see nothing wrong with it in an emergency situation.

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Generally only if it is your regular doctor who knows you well. If they know you are in general good health and don't seek out meds, I see nothing wrong with it in an emergency situation.



Because they are drugs for the brain disease/disorder of anxiety. Not for a fix when life gets tough.

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Oh, and if you are not averse, A glass of wine and a yoga DVD does wonders too....my little guys will do yoga with me, and it makes them calmer as well. Sorry you are stressed. I am learning to calm down now too....


Oh, if all else fails, call the doctor and get some Xanax or Ativan. They both worked wonders for me when I needed them.


I agree with this. Doctors will prescribe short-term anti-anxiety drugs as needed.


Also, cardio really helps me with nervous energy. A good fast walk can do wonders!

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Different camps within the thread. That's normal for a large group, so I'm not being hostile. I'm just coming from years' experience with psychiatric drugs used properly by some family members, so I can't back a "casual use" recommendation. My own thoughts also are that a doctor who would prescribe "quick fix" psychiatric medications for a non-diagnosed situation is not a good doctor. (Correspondingly, I don't favor non-psyschiatrists prescribing meds for mental health conditions, for ADHD, etc.)

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Doctors will write scripts for Xanax and ativan over the phone?


That sounds messed up to me.


Ativan (sometimes) knocks my DD out when she is having uncontrolled seizures. I'm sure they are giving her a much bigger dose but still... :confused1:



Mine didn't. I was having a series of panic attacks brought on by a particular situation, and he needed to see me before prescribing Ativan. But he did write the prescription and it helped me get through that horrible weekend, and then I was okay before the prescription ran out. I could sleep for the first time in days. I just needed something to get over the hump and help me think rationally again. I was in a complete thought spiral I could not get out of without help.

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i am sorry you are having such a rough time. i have had horrible situations that make me think i can't take another breath and i would do anything for relief.


i also feel like there are times i am on a permanent gerbil wheel of worry.


i hope you can find something that helps you.

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Exercise is the first choice for me. Yoga, pilates, cardio, even just a 10 minute walk around the neighborhood with the dog helps. Deep breathing from the belly also helps, sit or lay down and put your hand on your belly as you breathe in for 4-6 counts, then out for 4-6 counts. I also take Vitamin C and drink lemon balm tea which can calm nerves and decrease cortisol (stress hormone).

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Sorry things are so stressful. My first suggestions would have been yoga and meditation, but you said you don't really have time for that. How about a warm bath and some tea, or a glass of wine. It might give you a few minutes to relax and collect your thoughts. I like to add scented bath oil. Lavender is suppose to help you relax.

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Relaxing music (dh likes Enya :closedeyes: ) and some mindless puzzles? I do http://www.puzzle-nonograms.com/.


If you have underlying generalized anxiety that is being massively triggered by the situation, I think it's totally appropriate to go to the doctor for help. If what you're feeling is situational stress, then that may be different, but it doesn't hurt to call your doc, describe what you're going through, and ask if they have suggestions.

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Because they are drugs for the brain disease/disorder of anxiety. Not for a fix when life gets tough. Instead, please think through the issues you are dealing with, and seek the appropriate support and information for that. Look into stress management and coping skills. Learn what are your appropriate boundaries of activity and action within the situation.



I'm assuming life is beyond the normal realm of 'tough' for the OP right now, and traumatic events can certainly trigger diagnosable anxiety. It's absolutely great if someone can deal with it without meds, but nothing to be ashamed of it they can't.


Joanne said: Drugs (even naturals) for anxiety are serious and should be considered for "anxiety" as a diagnosis. What you are dealing with is a life-created crisis. To respond to that healthfully, you need to think in terms of crisis management which includes support, information, self care, etc,


Yes, in the long-term, certainly, but this assumes that one is capable of rational thought and crisis management. I went through a "life-created crisis" that would have rapidly gone even further south without short-term meds. A person cannot seek information and build a support network when they can't think clearly enough to turn on the computer, or drive, or eat.


A traumatic event can trigger anxiety. Meds can help someone who has suffered with anxiety for a long time. They can also help someone who has suffered with anxiety for a short time. Meds helped my brain enough that I could actually do all those great things on your list. Everyone has to make their own decision, but I strongly disagree that short-term meds in response to crisis are always a bad thing.

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Generally only if it is your regular doctor who knows you well. If they know you are in general good health and don't seek out meds, I see nothing wrong with it in an emergency situation.



Yup. My doc will do this for me because I've been seeing him for years and he knows me and my diagnoses well enough to feel comfortable doing it.

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Normally I take as little as possible of anything at all. This is one of those times when I'm having trouble breathing and remaining upright, much less exercising. I have taken nothing today besides medicine for my horrible stress headache and I feel like I'm about to puke.


That definitely sounds like something a doctor could prescribe something for.

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Normally I take as little as possible of anything at all. This is one of those times when I'm having trouble breathing and remaining upright, much less exercising. I have taken nothing today besides medicine for my horrible stress headache and I feel like I'm about to puke.



I'm sorry. It really sounds like that is intense enough to need something pharmaceutical to me.


Do you have someone who can help you--be a support, watch children/clean/help in some way?

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