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would you let a minor.....


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If I already allowed smoking, then yes so long as the smoker (any smoker, really) was willing to comply with house rules.


For us, that's outside only and not near the doors. And no butts in the planters or the ground.


If I didn't already allow smoking, I'd have to say no unless there was an extremely good reason to make an exception. It'd have to be really good, though.

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Over 16yo...Outside, yes, I would allow it. Under 16, no. But they would have to be out of view of my 6yo and never let her realize what is going on. (no carrying a cigarette in their hand, talking about it, butts left behind etc.)


I grew up in a family of smokers. My husband and I both smoked until we found out we were pg with ds18 and then we both quit. This likely colors my opinion.


I started smoking at 14 and while I wouldn't give my kids permission to smoke, I think there are a lot of worse things in the world to battle over. I would do whatever I could to keep my kids or other minors to smoke, I would draw the line at alienating them in the process.


No one smokes inside my home. Even my 70yo mother is given a tin can and a chair outside to enjoy her 2-3 packs a day when she visits.

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No, because it's illegal. I wouldn't allow them to drink in my house regardless of parental permission either.




Does this vary by region?


Where I am, it's not illegal to smoke. One could smoke cigarettes or banana peels or anything he wanted, at any age. That's not illegal; selling cigarettes to minors, is. (Here.)


And I think in some places one can buy his own cigarettes at 16. I'm guessing one wouldn't want that person to smoke at the home either because (for many of us) it's less an issue of legality and more an issue of preference. Legality is a convenient crutch, but we're well within reason to not want smoking in our home - whatever the law allows.

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"Purchase or Possession of Tobacco by Minors


Oregon law prohibits a person under the age of 18 from buying or obtaining tobacco

products. It is also illegal for a minor to possess tobacco products, except inside a

private residence with the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian. Any person who

violates this law may be required to participate in a tobacco education program, a

tobacco use cessation program, or community service that is associated with tobaccorelated

diseases. Minors acting under the supervision of an adult may engage in

“controlled buys†– attempts to purchase tobacco for the purpose of testing retailers’

compliance with Oregon’s laws concerning retail sales of tobacco."


I just found this info for my state. I guess you learn something new every day. It doesn't change my answer though. I would still say no.

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Does this vary by region?


Where I am, it's not illegal to smoke. One could smoke cigarettes or banana peels or anything he wanted, at any age. That's not illegal; selling cigarettes to minors, is. (Here.)


And I think in some places one can buy his own cigarettes at 16. I'm guessing one wouldn't want that person to smoke at the home either because (for many of us) it's less an issue of legality and more an issue of preference. Legality is a convenient crutch, but we're well within reason to not want smoking in our home - whatever the law allows.


Probably does vary. I'm an ex-smoker myself and I don't care if adults smoke, I just really am a stickler for rules. Since the question was about what I'd do on my property I went with my state law (Oregon). Here, one must be 18 to buy tobacco products, minors buying and being in possession of tobacco products is illegal, selling to minors and buying with intent to supply to minors is also illegal, therefore if there is a minor in my presence in possession of a tobacco product, he has committed an illegal act by obtaining (and the person who gave/sold it to him by supplying) and I do not think it's acceptable to be complicit even passively with illegal activity of any kind.


Even if possession per se was not illegal, only the buying, I do not approve of exploiting a loophole, especially one where an adult is supplying a minor (which I took to mean someone who is not of legal age to purchase tobacco products themselves since "minor" is a pretty loose term and varies not only by region but by what they want to do) with something they cannot purchase themselves (tobacco or alcohol) for obvious reasons.

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If the parents were there and were smoking too, and this is something normal for them, and they were outside, I would not say anything. Otherwise, it would be a no go. Nobody in my house smokes. I frankly get irritated that there are some people who can't seem to live without their cigarettes for the short period of time they are visiting. We had a party years ago and some old relatives lit up right inside my house without even asking. I'm so glad that is not common behavior any more.

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