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Rod and Staff Composition


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We're using the 4th grade book this year and I like the writing assignments very much. They are very practical...topics on how to write a solid paragraph, writing a story, book reports. I see our next writing lesson coming up is on writing a friendly letter. There's not much in the way of creative writing.

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I've just started using the writing portion for my 5th and 3rd graders as a change from WWE once a week. I really like them. There are some creative writing assignments, like writing a story from pictures, but most of them are about the above-mentioned topics; good paragraphs, some poetry lessons, book reports, taking notes, etc. Since we haven't been doing it long I can't really say from experience where it's taken us, but at this point, I feel that using the R&S lessons alongside WWE is giving my boys a more well-rounded approach to writing. I plan on continuing. :)

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I'm looking the lessons in the grade 4 book so far. I also have my son do the exercises written, not orally (I assign roughly half most days), so he is physically writing every day. We just did the friendly letter, and I liked how it said to invite a friend over. It told him what to write about.


The grammar exercises sometimes have writing as well, such as write a sentence with a direct object, or write sentences using "this", "that", "these" and "those" based on a picture (My son wrote variations of "What is this?" for that exercise... smart aleck).


I do use WWE as well, plus occasional written narration in other subjects, but I think R&S is good instruction for this age. I haven't gotten to the older grades yet.

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