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Appt with a neurologist-what to expect/ask?

East Coast Sue

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My 2.5 yr old dd has been recently diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder and feeding disorder. She is a sensory seeker (crashes, jumps, climbs- knows no danger). She currently receives OT/ST weekly. Our state has qualified her for early intervention services. As part of EI, they scheduled her to see a neurologist in April; however, we were on a waiting list for an earlier appt and they called today to schedule for tomorrow due to a cancellation. So, I thought that I had 2 months to write down questions and think about what to expect, and the appt is at 8:30 am- so here I am begging for your ideas/suggestions on the neuro appt. What should I expect of a neurology appt? What questions should I ask? Thank you in advance!

BTW, she is my 4th child and my others have sensory issues too, but not nearly so extreme. She doesn't have other warning signs of autism and she is quite verbally expressive.


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