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What would you do for 1st grade LA...


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I'm musing over my choices for next year (or whenever we get into more structured reading/writing/grammar; I'm trying to maintain a relaxed kindy year here and not rush into anything too hot and heavy). So, just looking for some thoughts and opinions about what you would do in our place, or simply what you like/what works for you.


Details: Kiddo will turn six over the summer. We are about 2/3 of the way through OPGTR. He reads Bob books, early readers, etc., pretty fluently. I have used OPGTR pretty extensively, but I have tried to make it as relaxed as possible (I know, it's boring and dry...I try to find other ways to go over the material other than reading out of the book itself. We rarely read right out of the book). I try to focus on readers as much as possible, because the kiddo enjoys that.


So, what might one suggest that we start next, whenever that may be? I plan to continue using OPGTR, if for nothing else but a guideline for myself as to which phonics skills to teach and/or review, unless we move on to something else that renders it unecessary. And of course, I plan to continue to focus on just reading, reading, reading. I have been looking at AAS (I don't think AAR would be necessary at this point, but I could be wrong) and a couple other things. Logic of English looks fun (for me, anyway). I do need something secular, and while teacher-intensive is ok, I do need materials that don't require a lot of advance planning on my part. I work from home full-time, so I'd rather spend my time actually sitting and working with my kiddo, not doing a lot of advance planning.


Thoughts? I apologize if my post seems discombobulated; I've got baby brain, big time!

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My oldest is first and this year has been pretty fluid. She does WWE (the workbook out of ease for me), FLL, AAS (I know some delay this), and reading selected books that I pick out. She also does math, history, and science. My next oldest will use the same materials at his own pace. He's currently working on reading fluency by reading to Mom, AAS 1, and just started SM year 1. Soon I will move him to doing FLL1.


The beauty of homeschooling is that I can keep my kids together doing science and history, and they move at their own pace through language and math. Regardless of where they are on that continuum, they are still whatever grade by their age.

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