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Exercise Thread ~ 2/3-2/9


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Hi- Hoping for 6 sessions this week as well, 20 minutes or more. I'll be going pretty light though due to recovering from the flu and hopefully can pick it back up again next week in intensity. I have a new yoga video coming that I'm dying to try out but I need to wait until I'm 100% as it is supposed to be short but challenging. I'm hoping for at least 1 session of walking and hopefully 2, assuming the weather holds and everyone continues to improve.

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I started exercising last Sunday and made it 7 days at 20-40 minutes each! Woo-hoo! :hurray: I'm hoping to do as well this week, though I hope that time of the month doesn't interfere too much. :glare: Last night I was able to do 13 minutes on the elliptical. I'd like to get that to 15 by the end of this week. I'm really enjoying the Daily Workout apps that I purchased. There are so many options that it isn't repetitive at all, especially with some workout videos thrown in their two days a week. Today, being Sunday, is my stretch day, so I will do the elliptical for at least 13 minutes, then do 30 minutes of slow, deep stretching (my favorite)!


ETA: My new Fitbit should be arriving on Tuesday, and I'm excited about the encouragement to move more in my daily life. I lost 3.8 lbs this week. Just 76 to go...

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Sunday - always off!


I know this is not a thread about our spouses, but I just wanted to say that my dh ran a 50k yesterday! NOT a typo - there is a "0" after that "5." Not something I would choose to do, but it was on his bucket list. He is turning 50 on Tuesday and wanted to do this 50k for his 50th birthday!

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Just wow. A 50K!

Ran 7 miles today on the flat. My foot feels pretty good. No speed obviously.


I lost 3.8 lbs this week. Just 76 to go...

Honestly, I think that is the best way to lose weight. Nice and slow. I always aimed for 2 to 3 per week. Now I've just got to kickstart the weight loss again. I've been stuck at 165 for the past six months. I'd like to get down to 140 by the summer if possible.

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I am new here but I need some more accountability. I am going to go to the gym today and walk/jog 30 minutes (however far that takes me). Usually, (what I was doing before I gained 15lbs) was:


MW: Spin 530am-630am

F: Pilates 530am-630am

TTh: Jog/walk/elliptical 530am-630am

I try to go swimming with the kids once/twice a week.


I find if I do not get up and get out of the house before my husband has to go to work or the kids wake up it just doesn't get done.


I am going to PROBABLY start doing some yoga as well...we shall see. Hopeful.

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Wow! I'm amazed at those of you who get up so dang early to exercise. That is just not happening here. I didn't even get out of bed by 7:30 this morning to workout. I was enjoying my morning cuddles with my 4 yr old too much. I love our morning cuddles. It's one of the few times when it's just him and me alone and he's calm, snuggly, and sweet. There is no way I'm giving that up! :)


So since I spent the morning snuggling I will try to fit something in later this afternoon after lessons.



adding: I did JM 30 day shred level 3 with dh.

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In the summer I'm up early to run. In the winter I've got to have my tea after doing the outdoor chores to be properly thawed out, so I don't do my run until after the sun is up and the frost is off.

Monday is my sceduled day off, and boy do I need it after yesterday! I am, at least, ambulatory and not in much pain. Really makes me glad for a day off after a long run. Might go on a bike ride later if it stops raining.

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Sunday evening 13 minutes in the elliptical. And I seriously enjoyed my 30 minutes of stretching. DH was bumfuzzled that a stretch could take so long. He just doesn't understand that I look forward to Sunday just for those stretches and having the time to do them well.

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Just now posting for yesterday. Did 14 minutes on the elliptical and inclined the ramp a tiny bit, too! I planned on doing 10 minutes' worth from the Daily Workout app, but got distracted by a sick little one, then fell asleep before I remembered. Oops.

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Tuesday - cramps and just tiredness. (I think i need to re-adjust my caloric intake.) My new Fitbit Zip arrived, so I spent the evening playing with it and perusing the website instead of exercising. I've walked 3051 steps though today, and it's not even 3:00 yet. I hope I can do the elliptical tonight, but I don't think my scheduled Pilates is going to fly...

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No workout Thursday, very busy here preparing for our Valentine's Party- which necessitated going to town, making our cards and all of our food. Today we will be gone most of the day to the party and then dh is returning from a work trip so it is not looking likely either, unless I can get a workout before the baby awakes- which is a total crap shoot!

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