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Recommendations for homeschool Foreign Language program?

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Hi all,


Just wondering at what age people start incorporating foreign language instruction? My older son is in 5th grade, and aside from the Hebrew that he is learning at our synagogue, we do not do any language studies. I know that I started studying French when I was in 7th grade, and I know that schools start much earlier than that now. I am thinking about starting French with him next year, but not really sure where to start. Any recommendations for good beginner programs?



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The Easy French by Marie Filion really worked for us. I did the original version (geared towards younger kids and meant to be used as a family) first and then when the revised edition (more written work, more explicit grammar instruction, geared towards older students to use independently) dd used that. She completed levels 1A, 1B, and 2A (if I remember right...maybe she did 2B as well - it's been a while). Then, for her grade 10 year she worked through a grammar workbook from the local book store and took a conversational class at the rec centre for beginners to get some practice speaking out loud. In grade 11 she entered the grade 11 French class in high school and ended up with a mark in the low 90's. When I spoke to her teacher she said that dd's ability to write paragraphs, understand what was said in class, and converse with others were very solid.


It really was The Easy French that prepared her - and to be honest I was a really bad homeschool mom with it. I rarely even looked at her work.

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