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Anyone else undecided about homeschooling next year?

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Hi Ladies,


Just wanted to know if I was alone in this. Due to health issues I've been experiencing since February, dh is unsure if we should homeschool this upcoming September. I'm recovering from surgery --very well, Praise God! and awaiting doctor's visit to see where I'm at with my condition. I've ordered some curriculum in May and have done all the contact work with my school about h'schooling my girls ( Dh and I were in agreement to do that --curriculum can always be returned.) Though I have to admit, July & August have typically been my "planning" months and this limbo is a bit distressing. :confused: Any thoughts Hive?



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I just wanted to throw out a thought. I have a friend that had to have surgery on her knees. She was on crutches for months. She has eight children. She did Bob Jones' satellite program. She said that it so saved her homeschooling. However, my understanding from reading the boards here, it might no longer exist. I am guessing. I could be wrong. Jump in someone if I am.


I am going to continue to pray for healing and peace of mind in whatever decision you make.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey.





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We are going forward with hs this year. Last year, I had an injury that left me in a cast with crutches for months followed by surgery that left me in the bed for two months. I found out that I might be going through the entire ordeal again and will start to get an idea next week. I'm planning for "best case" and "worst case" scenarios.


I think worst case is we do math and RA's from the bed and I try to hold it all together for a couple of months. It really is a logistical nightmare.


I know this has to be a difficult decision!

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I will hold you in prayer as you make this difficult decision.

I was hospitalized at the end of last summer with viral meningitis. I was very, very sick and was told the recovery would be three months. I am blessed with wonderful homeschooling friends who took my two daughters (then 7 and 11) into there homes for the first few weeks. They did history with one family and field trips with others. They had a slow start to the year, but learned a lot about helping others (as well as accepting help from others) during that time.

Perhaps you have some people who can help you out should you decide to continue homeschooling. Also, I noticed your children are young. You can relax about academics for a bit and do what is easiest for you. That being said, I have always said we will homeschool for as long as it is working for the entire family. Your health is truly the most important thing and you must do whatever it takes to stay well.

Blessings to you.


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It just all depends. I'm not sure what your condition is so only you know what you can handle or not.

From what I see in your signature your children are pretty young yet. You can do alot of reading in bed , on the couch or what not. Have hubby help with somethings if you aren't feeling well at the moment to do it.


I know when my youngest was born in 2006 it was a logistical nightmare. We were going in for a c-section and planning on having a few weeks to ourselves while I recouperated. Little did I know that my daughter was going to be born with extensive health problems that had her transfered to our children's hospital about 3hrs away. So not only did I not have my baby with me. I had to travel 3hrs in a car after having a c-section. Not fun at all. My daughter spent about 2 weeks in the hospital and had major surgery done before we came home. So that coupled with more hospitalizations and constant dr. visits her entire first year of life we somehow managed to cyberschool even.


I share this with you because if its your will there is a way. If we lived in a good school district the thought of putting them in school may of had crossed my mind. But we live in an awful school district. So I did everything in my power to homeschool my girls. Plus it was truely a blessing in disguise even if it was alot more work on me. I was recouperating from surgery , was caring for a sick infant and homeschooling at the same time. Had no family to help as my sisters live far from us and my in laws don't like the fact that we homeschool so they weren't going to help us either.


But we did it because I felt at the time I could very much handle it. Was is hard? You bet. But we did it, and I'm proud to say it.:>)


Things are a little easier for us now. My daughter is having her 5th surgery this October and who knows if there are any more ahead of us or not.


There are many options for you , schools on DVD's like Abeka or Bob Jones. If your school has the option of cyberschooling it maybe worth looking into if your condition is temporary to use for a little while. There are self paced curriculums such as Ace School of tomorrow and Christian Light Education.

Again you can do alot of reading in bed, on the couch . I'll finish my message later since we have a thunderstorm at the moment.

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