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Can I use WWE?


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My children have some fear issues. At this time they can't tolerate info about weapons, hunting, violence, animals or people being harmed, and a variety of other topics. They will not be able to read several of the WWE selections (e.g., Little House). Is it still viable to use if I have to skip some weeks work?

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If you haven't bought any materials yet, I'd get the textbook (which is otherwise unnecessary) and read the introduction which lays out the rationale and scope of WWE. Then use the sample weeks to choose your own selections. It's nice to have the selections all right there in the WWE workbooks but, really, it's not rocket-science. I was worried for years about doing WWE "wrong". But just pull a good book off the shelf, find a sentence a good length for your dc, talk about it and then copy or dictate as appropriate. For narrations just ask them to tell you what you just read to them in history or science or any read aloud. Ask a few detail questions. Try to get older kids to give a concise summary. That's about it.

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We use WWE and while I could choose the passages on my own, it is so nice to just have it laid out for me. If you want the ease of not having to find your own passages, you can easily use the workbooks and skip the ones that don't fit your children's needs. I know Little House on the Prairie has guns etc, but most passages, that we have come across so far in WWE1 anyway, would be fine.

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You could just purchase the WWE workbook as pdf and use the selections you want. I actually don't think the teacher's manual is necessary. At least it hasn't been during WWE1



Those of suggesting the TM were suggesting it instead of the workbooks, not alongside it. No, the TM isn't necessary if you're using the workbooks, but the workbooks do contain several passages that her kids may not be able to handle, so by using the TM only, she could pick all her own passages from books her kids can handle.

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Those of suggesting the TM were suggesting it instead of the workbooks, not alongside it. No, the TM isn't necessary if you're using the workbooks, but the workbooks do contain several passages that her kids may not be able to handle, so by using the TM only, she could pick all her own passages from books her kids can handle.




And the essay at the beginning of the TM is really, really helpful as to the underlying rationale and philosophy. I think you can get the same information from SWB's lecture on elementary writing (I haven't listened to it yet, but that's what I gather from what people say) so that would be a lot cheaper than buying the TM for just that reason. But WWE isn't THAT hard to DIY if you have just the TM.

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Those of suggesting the TM were suggesting it instead of the workbooks, not alongside it. No, the TM isn't necessary if you're using the workbooks, but the workbooks do contain several passages that her kids may not be able to handle, so by using the TM only, she could pick all her own passages from books her kids can handle.




Yes, but if she wants *most* of the passages already chosen, and just wants to skip the handful that may not be appropriate for her kids, the WB would be best. Would depend on how much of her own time she wants to invest in choosing passages from her own books, and coming up with copywork exercises. It's not that much extra, really, but it depends on what she needs.

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