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Scheduling OPGTR


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My son has finished 100 Easy Lessons. We've putzed around some with readers or whatever. He reads to me a bit everyday. But, he still sounds a fair amount out and is less fluent than his sister was at this point. Because he's still sounding a lot out, which makes reading on his own not so much fun...which means he's not practicing more than I require. My oldest was willing to stay awake and read, read, read, which fueled her progress.


Anyway, I thought we'd do some OPGTR so he has more decoding skill. I own it, but have never used it. Do you just do a lesson a day? Or do you teach one lesson and review the same words for a while...or...what? What kind of schedule should I plan for this?

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OPGTR has "Two Review and One New" show up regularly through the lessons. You are supposed to mark lessons that were particularly challenging and then go back and review two of those before doing the new lesson when you hit "Two Review and One New" lessons.


I would do 1 lesson a day until we'd hit a challenging section, then I would switch to 1/2 lessons each day. But if your son is already reading, you may be able to get through a whole lesson each day. But I wouldn't push it if he gets fatigued. I made that mistake with my oldest boy and regret it. It's much better to go more slowly through and have it be an enjoyable experience for mom and kid!


OPG gets so advanced in reading that you shouldn't be discouraged if it takes a year or two to get through it. I believe there are 130 lessons. The words he will be reading by the end will be very complex and far above grade level.

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