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Help With My Sugar Addiction!!

Hunter's Moon

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Ever since I can remember, I have had a serious sweet tooth. I would (and still will) eat something sweet, even if I am full, just because it is there. I am not a moderator - I can not eat in moderation. I need to completely cut it out, but I always give in to the cravings after a few days :001_unsure:


I am only 5' 4" and I used to be 180 lbs. I lost 50 lbs from illness that was never solved but finally resolved itself, but I am now creeping back up slowly since I have added in sweets and junk again.


Not only for my weight, but also for my health I know that I need to stop and learn to control this NOW. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I have heard about links between Alcoholism and sugar addiction.


I noticed that wheat leaves me craving sugar. I tried going paleo, but since I do not have control over all the food we have in this house and eat for dinner (DH and I live with my parents), it is not possible to cut out all grains.


Has anyone had luck with cutting out wheat and sugar only? Hopefully I will be getting a job soon, so I will be able to buy vegetables more regularly, but for now, I cannot. That is my main problem - when we don't have much food, we usually do have pasta and bread.


If you have read through all of this, thank you.

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I'm not sure if this will help you, but I had to eliminate sugar a couple of times when I had thrush. It seemed impossible for about three days and then it was like the addiction broke and it didn't bother me anymore.

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Will your parents consider switching to whole wheat bread and pasta? That's a start. At least will they keep it in the house for you? That way if that is all that is in the house to eat you are at least getting some fiber. Also, be sure you are getting a little fat with your wheat (olive oil, mayo, butter, etc) because fat slows down absorption.

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I've cut out wheat and sugar before, the only way for me to do it was to go cold turkey. My only 'sweet' was 85% dark chocolate. On a diet without sugar the dark chocolate is surprisingly sweet and really helped. I know it tastes very bitter otherwise. Not having control of what comes into the house would be the hardest part, it was easy for me to just not keep sugar in the house. I didn't make the rest of the family go without wheat, I just prepared my meal a little differently. It is very hard to begin with. Make sure to have plenty of snack options on hand.

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