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Math Help Needed


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My oldest son has completed Singapore 4B. But, he doesn't do well on the book test. He can complete the reviews in the book fairly easily and with good scores. He has convinced himself that he is not good at math and it takes to much work to do well. He wants to be an author when he grows up and sees no reason for learning math. As a result, math has become a battle ground in my house and I am tired of fighting. Learning math is not an option but the fighting has to stop.


I am looking to completely change our math up for him. Right now he is set to start Singapore 5A but I don't want to. We also do Life of Fred on Fridays and I don't think that needs to be changed. He has worked through the entire elementary series and is in Mineshaft - the third book of the intermediate series.


What can we do to change things up and build up confidence? I am looking at Khan Academy but I am not sure how to implement this. I would love for something to be on the computer as I think that will be motivating. I don't mind starting with review but it needs to build to a challenge too. Everything has really come easily for him so he anything that requires a bit of work is deemed to hard. What would a good program be to try for a kid who has completed Singapore 4B but needs a different program for awhile?

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He wants to be an author when he grows up and sees no reason for learning math. As a result, math has become a battle ground in my house and I am tired of fighting. Learning math is not an option but the fighting has to stop.


I don't have a suggestion as to specific program, but no matter how much he wants to be an author he could very well have to make his living doing technical writing or reporting to support himself while honing his craft... if he's lucky enough to get a writing job.








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