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Is MCT Caesar's English I student book consumable?

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It could be all completed on a student's own paper. There's some crosswords which you could photocopy if you wish.


Also, I discovered a little too late that I really only needed the Teacher's Manual, since it is pretty much a student book with answers on separate pages. Having both is more convenient, but not necessarily worth the extra money.


Now if someone else could let me know if there's more of MCT that lends itself to only having the Teacher's guide, or if other MCT products require both a student manual and teacher's manual, that would be great! (I'm all ears)

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Thanks so much for helping me out with this! Off to (gulp) place an MCT order. If my dd didn't love it so much I couldn't stomach the cost, but ... well, her prayer a couple of nights ago was, "Lord, thank you for the good things you've given me: like my family, food to eat, and my grammar." :-) MCT is apparently essential to her well-being.

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It could be all completed on a student's own paper. There's some crosswords which you could photocopy if you wish.


Also, I discovered a little too late that I really only needed the Teacher's Manual, since it is pretty much a student book with answers on separate pages. Having both is more convenient, but not necessarily worth the extra money.


Now if someone else could let me know if there's more of MCT that lends itself to only having the Teacher's guide, or if other MCT products require both a student manual and teacher's manual, that would be great! (I'm all ears)


Chiming in from MCT's publisher here: If you go to the RFWP website, then to Michael Clay Thompson, you will find Levels and Packages. Here , int he full descriptions, there are lists of what you can buy at each level in a Basic Package or a Complete Package. The Basics show you which Teacher Manuals can stand alone and for which books you really do need the Teacher / Parent and the Student book. Hope that's clear!

Lovely to read about what parents and children think about the books.

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