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Preparing for high school

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I believe there are really two parts to answer your question:

1. Things to do in middle school (i.e., NOW), in order to prepare for high school.

2. Research (i.e. looking ahead), in order to have make a high school plan, know what you need for high school, etc.



So, links to past threads for both:



High school parents: looking back, what would your ideal be for 7th/8th grade? (in order to prepare for high school)

To all you people with 8th graders or thereabouts -- (things to do in middle school to prepare for high school)

If you knew then what you know now (what do you wish you had done in the logic stage)

Looking back (what would you have done differently to prepare your student for high school level work)




Where to start? Which resources, etc.? (planning for high school)

My son is starting high school (linked resources, tips, and gentle steps from posters on getting started)

High school curriculum -- where do I start (how to decide what credits to do, and then how to select curriculum)

Homeschooling high school... where to begin? (links to lots of threads on specific topics: getting started, curriculum, credits, transcripts, etc.)



BEST of luck in your middle school planning, and high school research! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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