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worst wedding story

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Our wedding went as planned as our honeymoon was enjoyable. We had a short trip to Florida and Disney. The day we were to fly home (I had to be back at work the next day) I woke up at 4 am with extreme stomach pains. Dh was sweet and drove to an all night pharmacy for some pepto bismol. I had eaten curry at a chinese restaurant the night before so when I got sick I began throwing up bright orange. We had to drive an hour to return our rental car to the airport. All the while dh is stopping along the way for me. We end up stopping at a gas station because I am having extreme problems now. I run into the restroom and dh hears me calling for him. He slowly steps inside to find that he is needed to hold the garbage can which I continue to be sick in. We make it to the airport and I am laying on the floor near our gate. People are staring at me because I look either crazy or drunk or maybe both. It now occurs to dh and I that I probably have food poisoning. I am determined to get on the 2 1/2 hour flight because I just started this job and they were kind enough to let me go on my honeymoon but I know I have to be at work the next day. I hear them call for our flight and run to the restroom. From there I hear last call for our flight, gather myself together and get on the plane. Miraculously I survive the flight without being sick. We make it home and I go to work the next day, better, but with very sore ribs from all the projectile vomiting.

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Let's see...


My dh was in the Army, and one of his buddies was getting married as well, so this other guy's girl friend decided that we should have a DOUBLE wedding! I didn't even *like* the girl! All my family was coming, we were having a reception at a restaurant, and now I had this latched on couple. I felt sorry for them because they had no one coming for them, but I really didn't want a double wedding. Thankfully, the wedding place would not do both at the same time, so I did get a little ceremony all to myself.


We went to our reception, and the other couple decided it was their reception as well - used our cake to feed each other, etc. It was a disaster - they were rude and obnoxious and my uptight family was having a hard enough time with out unconventional marriage!


That night, we decided to go to the movies with the other couple and the now wife threatened to beat me up because I looked at her wrong!:confused:


Needless to say I tried not to see them much at all after that.


After the wedding day, dh had to go in the field, so I told him that I would move his stuff from the barracks to our new home. As I was moving his stuff (and NOT snooping!) I came across some evidence that he had actually gotten engaged to his high school sweetheart when he went home for a visit a few weeks before we married! I was devastated that he didn't just call it off with me.


My dh didn't tell his parents he had gotten married until 3 months later when my mother tried to call and tell them. Dh's father removed all but $200 each pay period because my dh was so bad with money and he continued to do that. We were literally going hungry because of this! Of course, they were SHOCKED because they knew he was engaged to the other girl. I don't know what he finally told her - if he told her anything.


Our 11th anniversary is next week.:D

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After the wedding day, dh had to go in the field, so I told him that I would move his stuff from the barracks to our new home. As I was moving his stuff (and NOT snooping!) I came across some evidence that he had actually gotten engaged to his high school sweetheart when he went home for a visit a few weeks before we married! I was devastated that he didn't just call it off with me.


What?! He got engaged to someone else weeks before he married you?:w00t: How did he talk his way out of that one?

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What?! He got engaged to someone else weeks before he married you?:w00t: How did he talk his way out of that one?


He didn't, really! He admitted it, but the reality was that we were already married by that point and I couldn't just "undo" it, KWIM?


It doesn't matter now - we have been married for almost 11 years and have had 5dc (and one on the way) since then. I bet you he doesn't even remember - I had forgotten until this thread made me think of it!;)

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Do you suppose wedding disasters are common? I remember discussing weddings with group of women who all agreed that their wedding day was one of the worst days of their lives. I was stunned.
I had just small things (aside from my hair)....my sister was more upset about them all than I was!


This is how I felt: I had prayed about this, and I KNEW I was marrying the right guy. I was thrilled and deeply in love. His story was the same: He had prayed, was totally sure I was the right one, and was also deeply in love. We had someone tell us they'd never seen a couple that smiled the WHOLE day and seem so genuinely happy. I mean, people are usually very happy at their weddings, but some have "Am I doing the right thing?" thoughts, or are nervous, etc. DH and I were calm and happy, and whatever happened, we knew were going to get to be with each other forever, so we both consider our wedding day the happiest day of our lives!:001_wub::001_wub:

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Do you suppose wedding disasters are common? I remember discussing weddings with group of women who all agreed that their wedding day was one of the worst days of their lives. I was stunned.


My wedding day was one of the best days of my life! The best man flaking out caused some undue stress, but it didn't ruin our day.

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I fell during a dance with my father-in-law. I wish I could upload a video of it. It is pretty funny.
I've been to two weddings where the bride fell during the dance time or at some point in the reception. Both times the whole room went silent....until she got up and smiled and said she was okay, then everyone started laughing! :D
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