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Please help-did you give guardianship for 17 yr old living (CA)cross country


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Some of you may know from the other forum that my dd is moving to CA in three weeks. She has an internship offer despite we have applied to eight colleges. If she makes the 60 days she may stay and take a gap year. She will be finishing her senior year with only a few online classes left and working 20 hours a week until she is done in May.


Apparently CA is strict on these things and in order for her to get a CA license we (her parents) need to sign the applcaition and non-residents cannot sign as they cannot accept financial responisbilty. I am not sure why not as we live in MA and have mandatroy insurance which will exceed CA min requirements. I have called the CA MV dept a few times on if after we get there it will be a problem if we provide insurance can we sign the form with our MA address. This last call the person said perhaps we can have a guardian sign as she really should have a guardian in state.


Has anyone else has to do this? I will ask if the person she is working for is willing to be her legal guardian. Or is he is willing to accept her 60 days with CA car registration but MA license.


I wondered if anyone with young college students out of state can you have a guardian for that state but still keep children on your medical insurance?


This is such a great opportunity for her but it sure is getting complicated.


As always thanks for your help,



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I don't have a teen, but I wouldn't give guardianship to a nonfamily member. Once you give guardianship, you are not her legal guardian. I doubt she could be on your medical insurance at that point. I would emancipate her before I gave away my parental rights.


When does she turn 18? Why does she need a CA driver's license before then? I would view this as a temporary relocation for work and not a permanent move until she is a legal adult. If I worked in CA for a few months, I wouldn't change my license.


FWIW, I am a guardian for a 60yo non-family member. I have to sign all her legal paperwork - permission for medical appointments, living arrangements, bank accounts, etc.

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I wouldn't give guardianship to a nonfamily member.


:iagree: Under no circumstances. And I have left a dc in another country without naming a legal guardian there.


Even if she stays all year for the internship, it is still temporary. She can register her car in MA. She can use a MA driver's license. I live in a college town and see cars registered in all 50 states.


BTW, who owns the car? You can't include a car in her name on your insurance. If you own the car and live in MA, it can have MA plates forever, no matter where she is driving it.

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When does she turn 18? Why does she need a CA driver's license before then? I would view this as a temporary relocation for work and not a permanent move until she is a legal adult. If I worked in CA for a few months, I wouldn't change my license.





Why does she need a CA license at all, even after she turns 18? Where does she plan to maintain her residency?

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I'm not quite sure I understand why she would need a California license. If she is there temporarily -- whether through college or a temporary internship -- I don't think she'd be required to change her license.


In my state, if the move is considered permanent, then you are required by law to change your license to this state's license in 60 days, I believe. However, no one really enforces it, because how can they prove at what point you decide to make the move permanent? But they do encourage it and would maybe enforce it at some point down the road if you were clearly making your home here (purchased a home, etc.).


I would probably just wait until her license expired and she had to get a new one anyway. Then, if she has decided to settle there long-term, she can change it to a California one at that time.

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Wow okay- I guess it is more serious to do this than I thought. I am glad I asked. I called the CA registry mulltiple times yesterday and it does seem she can explain (in the event she needed to) that she is there temporarily. They suggested she could have with her proof of insurance (required) and perhaps a letter on company letterhead stating she is there temporarily for XX days as an intern. She could then explain that she has not yet decided to move to CA permanently.


Family members have suggested that (heaven forbid) if she was in an accident and had to go to the hospital that she would need a guardian there- anyone have any expereince with this? We live in MA and I think they have to treat you regardless- I guess I just thought that would be true everywhere. If there was a major medical decision to be made could we not speak to the hospital over the phone and then obviously take the next flight out?



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Wow okay- I guess it is more serious to do this than I thought. I am glad I asked. I called the CA registry mulltiple times yesterday and it does seem she can explain (in the event she needed to) that she is there temporarily. They suggested she could have with her proof of insurance (required) and perhaps a letter on company letterhead stating she is there temporarily for XX days as an intern. She could then explain that she has not yet decided to move to CA permanently.


I wouldn't even do this. She's visiting the state. Why would she need to explain her visit to anyone? Are you worried about her getting arrested or something? If a police officer stops her, then she gets a ticket, she pays the ticket, and life moves on. If he arrests her, then they call her parents/guardians. They aren't going to stop her or arrest her just b/c she is a teenager with out-of-state license plates.



Family members have suggested that (heaven forbid) if she was in an accident and had to go to the hospital that she would need a guardian there- anyone have any expereince with this? We live in MA and I think they have to treat you regardless- I guess I just thought that would be true everywhere. If there was a major medical decision to be made could we not speak to the hospital over the phone and then obviously take the next flight out?



I would just have her keep her medical card in her purse along with your contact information. Last week I authorized medical care for my ward over the phone. They then sent me paperwork to sign and return.

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Wow okay- I guess it is more serious to do this than I thought. I am glad I asked. I called the CA registry mulltiple times yesterday and it does seem she can explain (in the event she needed to) that she is there temporarily. They suggested she could have with her proof of insurance (required) and perhaps a letter on company letterhead stating she is there temporarily for XX days as an intern. She could then explain that she has not yet decided to move to CA permanently.


Family members have suggested that (heaven forbid) if she was in an accident and had to go to the hospital that she would need a guardian there- anyone have any expereince with this? We live in MA and I think they have to treat you regardless- I guess I just thought that would be true everywhere. If there was a major medical decision to be made could we not speak to the hospital over the phone and then obviously take the next flight out?




Well that is exactly what you would do. Make sure you are listed as her emergency contact.


No, she shouldn't need a CADL for a temporary relocation of less than six months. How many people the country over travel for short details for work. If dh had to get a DL for each extended stay travel detail he would be spending all his time at the DMV. The same for people who are on extended vacation. My friend's mom is currently in FL. she will be there for a season then will be coming back to ME. There was no requirement for vacationers to get a new DL.



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I did an internship in another state. I did not get a new DL and I did not register my car, just kept my plates. My parents were still in charge of my medical care. A good friend did hook me up with an amazing family who I went to church with and ate dinner with a couple of times. Had I needed immediate help, I would have called them until my parents could get there.


That is all she needs. A friend to call if she does get sick or hurt. If you know anyone in the area, just make sure she has that emergency contact. If you don't know anyone, she will make friends at work.

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I'd contact MedicAlert (which I use for my adult disabled son) or a similar company. For about $40 you register them , with any medical and ALL CONTACT info (including up to three doctors besides yourself and another adult). You get a bracelet or a necklace tag with the MedicAlert symbol and basic info - medical personnel and police KNOW to look for this tag and to contact the company, which then contacts you, etc.


Folks get this for old folks, disabled, young kids - it will work for out-of-state teens, too ;-) Then you know if she gets sick or hurt and can't say who to contact, MedicAlert will provide the needed info.


Anyone can use this. You do not have to be old, disabled, etc. to use MedicAlert. The $40 will give YOU peace of mind.

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Good ideas- if this is temporary it is great. As far as signing contracts- the two of us are driving the 3000 miles form MA to Anaheim over Feb. vacation. We are trying to find a family for her to rent a room from. We found one, that a women from the office is checking out today.


If that does not work and anyone knows someone- please do chime in. She will be staying in the NW Anaheim area.


Even though dd has applied to 8 colleges I see a piece of her that really does not plan on this being temporary. But when she get out there we will see if it turns into a gap year or something else.


It is a little stressful even though it seems very right too. We will miss her terribly and family is not very supportive. Thank goodness I can bounce things here- I really appreciate all your help on this.


I think yes the medical thing is what my mom keeps scaring me about so I will look into her carrying proper info or a medic type thing- just for peace of mind.



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I'd contact MedicAlert (which I use for my adult disabled son) or a similar company. For about $40 you register them, with any medical and ALL CONTACT info (including up to three doctors besides yourself and another adult). You get a bracelet or a necklace tag with the MedicAlert symbol and basic info - medical personnel and police KNOW to look for this tag and to contact the company, which then contacts you, etc.


Folks get this for old folks, disabled, young kids - it will work for out-of-state teens, too ;-) Then you know if she gets sick or hurt and can't say who to contact, MedicAlert will provide the needed info.



I think that this is a great suggestion.




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