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Looking for an adjustable, smooth-surfaced table

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Drafting tables have a smooth surface and it is easy to find one with adjustable legs. I had even g-clamp a big sheet of blank paper to the table for drafting. You can also find one with both adjustable legs and tiltable surface. Those for architecture drafting are usually very well made.

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We purchased an art table at AC Moore. It is adjustable for height and the angle of the tabletop and can also be adjusted. The top is made of glass. They had another art table there as well, but it wasn't as well built. They usually have a 40 or 50% off coupon online.

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I got mine through a school supply place. You probably have some locally, or you can google. Definitely was a fabulous investment, as it has gotten a TON of use. Office supply stores usually have adjustable tables. Look at Staples online and see what you find. If you can only get a bumpy table at your pricepoint, then you can get a desk mat from the office supply store. They come in different sizes in textures. They're clear, so you could put a map or something cool underneath. They have some that have a texture that gives just enough to be nice for writing.


Someone years ago had a picture of their homeschool room posted here that I thought was terrific. They took two cabinets (you know, the kind you can walk into Lowe's and buy), spaced them, and ran a laminate counter over the span. In fact, I think they may have done 3 cabinets, with one in the middle and one on each end and the counter spanning. A nice school table is pretty pricey ($200?), so sometimes you can get into those cabs and a counter for around the same $$. Then you buy adjustable height *seating* instead.


Wow, look at this. This just turned up on my google. These are the exact type of LEGS that are on my school store table, but the top is the pebbly, lightweight plastic like on my other tables. I know it's not ideal, but that price is great. Don't know if that biz is legit. Anyways, if that's your price, you could use that table and just put down one of those clear desk mats from Staples. I have several tables like this, and I use them a LOT. Sometimes I've configured our school area with an island, putting the smooth table on one side, pebble table on the other. For as much as I like my smooth table, I like the light weight of the plasticky one.


Anyways, the legs are good. That's what makes it super easy to adjust. It's such a happy stage. I love K5 and the enthusiasm. :)


Oops, forgot the link! http://www.bizchair....Google Shopping

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I have 4 tables that are 2'x3' that look like the ones they have in daycares/schools This is what they look like. The shipping was reasonable too. I got different color edges on them all so we can tell who's is who's easily because my kids love that.


They have lots of different sizes too.


Kelly, these tables are great! Did you order your tables from the company in the link? Did you get the matching chairs from there, too? What heights did you choose for the tables and chairs? Thanks for posting! :)

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We have this one. It's been great so far. They have other sizes and shapes too. I got free shipping. This is the only website I found where the shipping wasn't outrageously high. That particular table was cheaper at other places but the shipping was so high it made it more expensive. Plus I think they sent me a 5% off code, so I think I paid in the $120-ish range.

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We have this one. It's been great so far. They have other sizes and shapes too. I got free shipping. This is the only website I found where the shipping wasn't outrageously high. That particular table was cheaper at other places but the shipping was so high it made it more expensive. Plus I think they sent me a 5% off code, so I think I paid in the $120-ish range.


This is sort of off-topic, but it's my own thread I'm derailing with a trip down memory lane...


When I was in 3rd grade -- so many years ago -- we had one of those "open, discovery" classrooms in which the teacher didn't really assign much work. We had a "Writing Center." We had a "Math Table." We had a "Book Corner." We had 25 shoe box models of Conestoga wagons on the windowsill. We had spider plants that took over our classroom. We had a fish tank. We had a hermit crab. That sort of thing. It was great! :)


We never had assigned spelling. Instead, there was this round table (you knew there was a connection in there somewhere, didn't you?), ;) and on this table was a brightly-patterned, neon-colored piece of fabric that draped to the floor. INSIDE this table-tent, were cushions and a box of Independent Spelling Cards. We were supposed to go in there in pairs, pull a card, and study our spelling words -- quiz each other back and forth, until we mastered the list. What we really did was goof off and talk, of course. Christine G. and I had already tested completely through the box. Ha ha!


So whenever I see this sort of round table, I picture neon colors, fuzzy cushions, and Christine G. and I "studying spelling." Snort. We turned out okay, or if we didn't, we can't blame the table, can we?


I'm having flashbacks to my third grade "Spelling Spot" with this thread, and I need to talk about it.... :smilielol5:

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Kelly, these tables are great! Did you order your tables from the company in the link? Did you get the matching chairs from there, too? What heights did you choose for the tables and chairs? Thanks for posting! :)



Yes I did order from them. I did get matching chairs. I'm got the 22-30 inch legs since my kids were already 4, 8, and 10 when I got them. I also got matching chairs that will fit an adult sitting comfortably.


I find the shipping to be very reasonable.

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Yes I did order from them. I did get matching chairs. I'm got the 22-30 inch legs since my kids were already 4, 8, and 10 when I got them. I also got matching chairs that will fit an adult sitting comfortably.


I find the shipping to be very reasonable.



Thanks! I love your school room. I remember reading your blog when you painted the room, and I love the colors! It's like the ocean and the sky -- perfect for a sailor's family, huh? :patriot: Your children are adorable.


When I saw your tables, I thought, "Oh, good, I'm not the only mom who color-codes her kids." LOL. We would get the yellow (me), blue (Sarah), green (Hannah), and red (Mary). If they offered purple, that would replace the blue. Sometimes, if we are in a store and the girls see something they like, they'll say, "Oooooooohhhhh, and they have it in my color." I only started color-coding them when we brought the twins home from the hospital. We had to do something, or my mother would have continued to call them This One and That One. But even to this day, we tell them, we are not certain they did not get switched on the way home..... :leaving:

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Thank you. We love the colors of the room. My daughter says it's like schooling in an aquarium. it's so much nicer than the ugly purple it used to be. It's so much brighter and fun in there now.


My kids have been color coded since we started and they are actually the ones that initiated it. My oldest loves green so that's Everett's, Annika is my Blue girl and luckily when Lucas was born he turned out to love Red. Yellow is mine, I love Yellow.

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I bought my kids desks (Smart Jr.) and chairs from this site. They LOVE them and so far, so do I. :) I'm not affiliated in any way.




Those are neat, they are a bit pricey though. My kids like to have more room to spread out than those would have given. The bigger ones would have been a good top size, but at $300+ each that was more than I paid for all 4 of my tables.

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Those are neat, they are a bit pricey though. My kids like to have more room to spread out than those would have given. The bigger ones would have been a good top size, but at $300+ each that was more than I paid for all 4 of my tables.


I agree the price is steep so I waited for a sale. Everything else in my homeschool room is IKEA so we splurged on the desks and chairs. :)

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