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Anyone care to share what their dh/dw does for a living?

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:iagree: with everyone, this is a great thread. It only took me an hour to read it.


My husband works in biotech/pharmaceutical sales in CA. He said before we even got married that he would never be in sales and would never live in California. He changed careers many years ago after being a YMCA P.E. director. He has a degree in teaching/p.e. but never went that direction. I am a "retired" CPA and don't desire to return to the working world after I'm finished homeschooling. I think I'll take a very long vacation.:auto:


Laurie in CA;)

(dd14) TOG and some other stuff

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He and his partner have pieces in the Vice President's residence and in the MD State House, but mostly they build for private homes. They also restore antiques, again, high end. They cater (as we say) to the folks with all the "long driveways" around here. :001_smile: If you care to take a look, you can see pictures on their website.


Very nice! I noticed their address is on Tilghman Island Road. When I lived in Baltimore, one of my clients was a developer who was developing Tilghman Island.

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I love reading what you are all doing out there.

Who has the online scrapbook store..post a link!


My DH started out as a surveyor after Tech school. While going thru tech school, he worked as a maintenance helper and got a boiler license. After we were married he worked for my Dad who had an Electrical business.


A couple of years later, because of the boiler license he had, he got a job as a maintenance worker in a food plant.

EVENTUALLy he learned everything there is to fix in a food plant and now he is the engineering Manager at a food process plant.

He can fix/repair/maintain anything at work or in our home, for which I never cease to be thankful. He is at the moment, in the kitchen reversing the door on our fridge. ( we are finishing remodeling and the fridge was moved to a different wall.)

THe last fews years he got a little bored?? and has become the IT person at work.

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My dh is a pastor. His passion is theology and teaching. He has his M.Div. and is waiting for me to share his desire to pursue his doctorate. :001_smile: I can totally see him teaching at the college or seminary level someday in addition to pastoring.


I was an accountant before deciding to hs the kids. I have no idea if I will ever return to it or not. (Since I am my dh's unpaid tax preparer, I guess technically I am still in the field. :D)

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Great thread! I'm so enjoying this.


My dh has been in IT for the last 10 years. Currently he is the Director of Applications Development for a transportation company. Before he went back and got his degree he was a Master Craftsman for a company that makes limousines. He says he misses the personal satisfaction of craftsmanship. He is the computer geek who isn't. :)

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My dh is a self-employed HVAC man, always running between the refrigeration equipment that goes down in the area, and installing/servicing furnaces, air conditioners, air exchangers, gas fireplaces, commercial coffee/juice machines and more. He's never bored, and is an ace at fixing anything, tho he tries not to let it be known what all he can fix, since we hardly see him now. ;)

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Dh is a civil engineer for our state toll road authority. He is in management (means lots of headaches, little job satisfaction.) He is also in charge of the quality team, which makes him unpopular because he often has to say no to some outlandish, expensive ideas put forth by political big-wigs. That is why he did not get the promotion he deserved - a few directors black-balled him because they knew he would not be a "yes" man. I so wish he could get out, but there is no other work in the state, transportation-wise. He is stuck. If we win the lottery, I would make him quit, send him to school to get a degree in horticulture and have him work for the forest preserve district or the Arboretum.

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Dh is a software engineer for a company that makes network data software. He has a Ph. D. in applied math, which has nothing to do with his career, but he puts his degree on his business card. He works out of the house while his company is based in Virginia and Texas. He travels on-site a lot to corporate customers so we go with him and have field trips. In the last year, we have been Long Island (many, many trips there), Philadelphia, Columbus, NYC, and many day trips to areas near us in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. On the last couple day trips to New Hampshire, I went with dh and left the kids with my mother for the day. I hung out at a knitting shop and a needlework shop and visited with friends. It was a nice break.


Because he exceeded all goals for the last fiscal year, the company is sending us on a trip to Tanzania in the fall.

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Dh was a service manager for AT&T when I met him. (I was a college student.) Sport-coat and tie every day. Then after a year of unemployment....he started working on boat motors for a friend's business. Fifteen years later, he's now the service manager for the place and has several technicians that work for him.


His 3 older daughters saw him in jeans only on the weekends, the 6 younger children see him in jeans every day. :~)


We say that he and I have the same job....trying to co-ordinate everyone, purchase the correct and needed supplies, and keeping our employees/students on task. :~)



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My dh is a comic book artist, who works on titles like Batman and Superman. He has spent the last 2 days at the big Comic-Con in San Diego signing autographs and reviewing portfolios of aspiring artists, and will be there all day Saturday and Sunday.


My sons want your dh's job! They are constantly drawing their manga characters. May I ask if you dh went to college and if so, where and what did he study?



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My dh is a PhD student (which involves taking and teaching each semester), distance learning instructor at the same univ., associate prof at a local comm coll., and is working on some screenplays in his spare time (*wink*). Until recently, he also taught some classes at a local private school.


I'll be taking in a couple of daycare kids in a few weeks, and since I homeschool and write also, he is going to be providing primary child oversight a few hours a week to allow me some child-free work hours away from home. He's so sweet.

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My dh works for CalFire. It just made the name change from California Dept. of Forestry and Fire. He actual job title is Heavy Fire Equipment Officer (HFEO). Basically, he runs a dozer to create fire lines around forest fires. He has seen some very interesting things on fires. During fire season we don't see him much, but otherwise he is home 3-4 days/week.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My dh is on his second career (retired Navy Aviation Electronics) as a supervisor of costumed interpreters at a well known historical tourist attraction.

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My dh works in our Social Services Dept. in the Foster Care Unit. He works with kids 14yrs and older who either don't have families and need lots of services and help, or their families are unable to provide those for them. There are some heartbreaking stories out there.....

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My husband owns a software development company. He does custom software applications. He also offers IT support to smaller companies who don't have an IT staff. He also has a graphic design/website development division of the company.


I'm very proud of him. He started just doing some programming on the side about 17 years ago and has built his business into a very reputable one in the community (both where we live and in the larger community of those who develop in the same database that he does). He is a very generous employer and runs his business with such integrity!


I like to say that I'm a coporate exec.!:D After all, I am the Vice President and CFO of our corporation.;)

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My husband is a claims rep for a large insurance company. He handles death and permanent disability claims throughout the state. He is well suited for what can be a depressing job - he's very compassionate and most customers love him.


He recently used some contacts we have (bc of our children's disabilities) to have a wheelchair ramp built and a van lift installed for a family whose 6 year old son was paralyzed in a car wreck. They didn't know where to begin the process, and neither did the hospital social worker - he did it all in days. Dozens of calls and meetings when he could have just written a check and moved on. Every time he went to the hospital he brought the boy a new Power Rangers toy - his favorites. Just a little example of how he goes above and beyond on a weekly basis.

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DH is a Wireline Operator for an oil and natural gas service company. This basically means he sends survey equipment, tools, and things they call bombs (but I don't think these ones go BOOM) down wells on wire and take readings or make repairs, I think. I've never seen any of this up close so much of what he tells me goes over my head.:confused:

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My husband is a bean counter, at least that is what he calls himself. He is also called a CPA.


I just have to post this (all in good fun, of course!).


How can you tell that a CPA is an extrovert?



















He looks at *your* shoes! :lol:


(Actually, I laught at this b/c I've known a few CPAs and they were totally extroverts. I don't know where that stereotype comes from.)

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Mine is a research scientist in quantum optics (in physics). He mainly just plays with lasers and trying to get photons to do what he wants. Or something like that.


How very cool! This is a really fun thread; I love seeing what everyone's dh or dw does. You guys are all such a great contribution to society!


DH is a computer programmer and we have an online scrapbook store.


Rhonda, could you post a link some time to your online scrapbook store? I'd love to find a good source like this for myself! We live in a small town that hardly carries anything. Or, send me a PM if you feel more comfortable with that. :)

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My dh is the Director of International Student Affairs at a small community college, dealing with anywhere from paperwork to taking the kid's to get their drivers licenses. We've been here in the states for 2 years, before that we lived in Asia, specifically northeast China as humanitarian aid workers. :)

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he makes CDs, movies, tv shows, radio and tv ads and all that jazz. My favorite thing he has done recently is make the new Ben & Jerry's tour video... mmmm... Ben & Jerry's...


We own our own recording studio, it is the hole into which our money is poured :)


But he's happy, and you can't put a price on that!


This was fun!



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I just have to post this (all in good fun, of course!).


How can you tell that a CPA is an extrovert?



He looks at *your* shoes! :lol:


(Actually, I laught at this b/c I've known a few CPAs and they were totally extroverts. I don't know where that stereotype comes from.)


Do you know how you can tell someone is a CPA? Their kids think there are five seasons:






















Summer, Fall, Winter, Tax, Spring


My favorite: CPA's are not boring people, they just get excited about boring things.

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Compared to all these exciting jobs. My dh is pretty doldrum, he owned gas station for twenty yrs. Than this past yr, sold and started his own wholesale distributing company.




This isn't doldrum to me!!! EVERYONE's dh/dw's job is helping to make the world go round!!! Somehow and/or in someway.:)


I am thoroughly enjoying this thread!!! I can't wait to see what is posted next. I am literally on the edge of my seat....sort of like a good movie or book where you can't wait to see what happens next or what's going to happen on the next page....;)

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