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We went to the Allergist today....have you heard of Alpha-gal ?


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I took my dd to the allergist today. Her nitrate allergy has been getting worse - as in now if her food is cross contaminated she gets sick and the allergic reaction is worse and happening quicker. Over the holidays she had a bad reaction and it took me about 10 days to get her back to "normal". So I went looking for guidance, an epi-pen prescription and to make sure there weren't any other allergies we weren't catching. Guess what? They think she (also) has this newly recognized allergy to mammalian meat that is caused by ticks called Alpha-gal. This was me -----> :blink: The blood results should be back soon and we'll know for sure.


What surprised me the most was how stern the nurses warning was to me about the seriousness of this and how we should be very careful about her eating any red meat.


Has anyone ever heard of this or have this?




from the above website:


What exactly is this mammalian meat allergy?

When certain people are bitten by ticks or chiggers, the bite appears to set off a chain of reactions in the body. One of these reactions is the production of an allergic class of antibody that binds to a carbohydrate present on meat called galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, also known as alpha-gal. When a person with the alpha-gal antibody eats mammalian meat, the meat triggers the release of histamine. Histamine is a compound found in the body that causes allergic symptoms like hives, itching and, in the worst case, anaphylaxis (a reaction that leads to sudden weakness, swelling of the throat, lips and tongue, difficulty breathing and/or unconsciousness).

In addition to the classic allergy symptoms, some of our patients report significant gastrointestinal distress or gynecological symptoms. These symptoms can take the form of abdominal cramping and pain, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting and in some cases uterine cramping with spotting. It is not uncommon for a patient who has anaphylaxis to lose consciousness while moving their bowels. Some patients have reactions that are characterized almost entirely of GI or gynecological symptoms while others may not experience these types of symptoms at all.

This allergy is different from other food allergies like peanut allergy in that the response is delayed. Unlike someone with a peanut allergy who has an immediate reaction when they eat a peanut, people with the alpha-gal allergy usually do not start having symptoms until several hours after they eat meat.

And John Grisham has it as well: http://allergicliving.com/index.php/2012/04/10/profile-author-john-grishams-allergy-mystery/?page=1

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I have heard of it. I afraid I just can't remember what show I was watching. It was likely the news, and it was a few months ago. Several people had it and were discussing how much they missed a good steak, and how ill they were while trying to figure out what was affecting them so negatively.

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Our allergist mentioned that it is becoming more prevalent. We do not have it in our family, the allergist mentioned it because we were discussing tick related diseases in a general way (tick borne diseases are big in our area, and have impacted our family in a big way).


DH works with someone who has this as well, and as I understand it is very serious, every bit as serious as DS's other LTFAs (life threatening food allergies).

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You know, I was just thinking that it would be ragweed, or oak pollen or daisies or .... something, not a tick borne allergy. I was so surprised. She also showed positive for cats and dogs but they think that's just because they are mammals - they jokingly told her not to eat them!!


It really isn't a big stretch for her - she's not a steak fan - the only thing she'll miss is meatball subs - but I'll just make them out of turkey or something instead. If this were my dh or ds this allergy might be a hardship in their mind.

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What is most interesting is that this allergic response is attached to a sugar molecule not a protein and it seems that fatty meats are worse.


Someone in the comment section of another article I read said that this (allergic reaction attached to a sugar molecule) have implications for people who have a corn allergy and react to cornstarch.

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I have no advice, but I have so much sympathy for people who deal with FA. One of my biggest fears is that one of my DC will develop an allergy to something. I felt bad about not commenting, but I really only opened this thread to see if someone had suggested that alpha-gal might be alpha-pig's superhero cousin or something.

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So does your dd have a reaction to tick bites as well - moreso than the norm?



Doesn't seem too, no. The last tick bite she had was intensely itchy and the bite looked like an oversized chicken pox for about 2 weeks but that didn't seem to worry anyone. But no hives or breathing difficulties.

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