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Global Entry Program - anyone a member?


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Has anyone here gone through this and gotten cleared/certified? I'm seriously considering it for our family and wondered if anyone here had any insights. After waiting over two hours to go through passport control this last trip I would love to make the process simpler.

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We have our interviews in a couple of weeks. The online app was completely painless - easier than a mortgage app! I believe Global Entry also gets you access to the "Pre" entry lanes at the airport. My elite status on Delta gets me into the Pre lane, and it's a dream. Shoes stay on, liquids stay packed, coat stays on. So much faster, especially for the kids, who inevitably mess something up in the standard line (water in the backpack, large pile of coins in pocket...).

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It took a couple of weeks for the online app to be cleared, then we received an email to schedule the appointment. You have to open that email and book an appointment within 30 days. There was a lot of availability within the next couple of months (I had to change it a couple of times, and there was always availability within a few weeks of the original appointment). There are interview sites at all of the major airports, as well as in many of the major cities.

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