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Michael Venezia books...

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I have never seen these but was considering order a few based on reviews. My questions is would they still be good for a 9-year-old? My son wants to study some famous artists and I was hoping this would be a good series. Also, which artists have been your favorites?


TIA :)

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I have never seen these but was considering order a few based on reviews. My questions is would they still be good for a 9-year-old? My son wants to study some famous artists and I was hoping this would be a good series. Also, which artists have been your favorites?


TIA :)


Have you checked your library? Ours has had many in the biography section.

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My 10 yo loves them. They aren't too young. They have some silly/goofy aspects, but they have a lot of solid information, lots of words per page. They are 5th grade reading level.


She has liked them all. There is a series on musicians, too. There are also videos, which I think are very silly, but she loves them too. What can I say, she likes to giggle while she learns!

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I think it is a fun supplement, but I wouldn't rely on them as the sole source of information on the individual. We used them when dd was 4yo for our composer study, and it was slightly above her level at the time. Now that she is almost 8yo, they are just fun, but not a source of serious study.

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We enjoy them. You can see my kids' ages in my siggy. I've used them quite a bit this year with Am. History. We used his presidential series. We've read a few "real" biographies on the presidents, but these are good because they give a quick overview and I was looking to give my boys a "survey" of some of the presidents of the late 18th/early 19th century and these hit the spot. My youngest son loves the cartoons and humor, my oldest boy, who doesn't get humor much, is clueless. Oh well!

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