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Need help with teaching math to a 2nd grader

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My 2nd grader son can remember very well all four arithmetic operation and any kind of computation,like subtracting/renaming ( borrowing) addition with carrying,etc


But heis Extremly weak in word problems! I am soooooo frustrated! He is now in the middle of Singapore 2 B and Math mammoth 2 B , but today I went back in 2A to redo everything he had missed in the previous semester . He did not do ONE right!

It seems that he just sees the numbers in the problems and adds,subtracts or divides whatever, without any thinking.


For ex. The total length of two ropes is 18 in . One rope is 3 in, how much is the other?


He first multiplied 18x 2

Then 18\2

Then 18/3

Then finally 18-3 ( it took 45 min for him to come to this answer because I didn't want to show him, but with a little prompting he did it)

I always tell him to draw, use the cuisenaire rods or the abacus, but he doesn't know what to do!

Like I said,he sees the numbers in the problems and just guesses which computation to do,and most of the time he is wrong!


We had already done this problem a few months ago, I drew it for him, I gave him a similar one and he solved it...but now he couldn't do it.


I thought it would be good to keep going on with math since he was getting the computation, but what do I do if he is weak in word problems??? Should I keep him behind until he masters the problems?


I should say that in addition to Singapore and Math mammoth, he is also doing CLE math alternatively. He does two math programs everyday,but he never complains of too much work. CLE comes easy for him because the problems are not challenging at all, he rarely misses one.


How do you improve mathematical thinking, or rather thinking in general because he seems he lacks that in all the aspects of his learning... He is doing Building Thinking Skills...it doesn't seem to help at all!


I appreciate any suggestions/input.

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To me, that doesn't sound like a math issue. It sounds like a language issue. How's his reading comprehension and language processing more generally?


Other than working on reading comprehension, I'd just keep plugging away with the word problems as they come up. You are using math programs that emphasize working with word problems. I'd simply keep working. It will come. It may take a long long time, but he will get better. Work together/do buddy math, whatever. Just keep working and one day you'll be glad you did :)


My kids who have struggled with word problems usually do better if they read each sentence or phrase out loud and then draw a little picture of that sentence or phrase, if possible. My kids were often reluctant to draw the picture, but would know the answer in a nanosecond once they drew it.


Eta, if he understands the math concepts, no, I would definitely not let the difficulty with word problems hold him back from moving on to new concepts.

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You're right, he does have reading comprehension and mild language delay...but he knows all the words in this word problem and most of other word problems . He is not delayed in vocabulary but has trouble comprehending literature, drawing inferences,etc He became better at narrating this year though.


I feel like with math problems,the trouble is not hislanguage delay , but lack of thinking. Since he is almost done with 2B, I will keep working, then go back and redo everything he has missed this year. He seems to be doing great with a word problem if I work it with him first,then change the numbers and ask him to teach me...but what good is it if in a few months he forgets how to do it??

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Though children learn to do math in a question to answer process.

3+15= 18.


But we also use math the opposite way, from answer to question.

Where children often don't know about using it the opposite way?

So that what might help him, is to explain this opposite way to do math?

18= 3+ ?.


The total length is the answer, what is the question?

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I recommend you teach him the cue words and phrases that indicate math operations.


Place those cue words on index cards, color coded and separated by operation. As you read the word problems together, highlight or underline the cue words so the student discovers what the question is asking. Have your son use the cards as long as he needs them.


Word problem maps and the RIDD strategy are also recommended to help students. You'll need to google that. I gotta run.,,



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I agree with the post on cue words. Also kiddos with reading comprehension issues commonly just guess. I don't really understand why but my 16 year old still just guesses instead of trying to understand the problem. You are really fortunate that the math facts are simple that will help out tremendously down the road. I just recently ran across this website http://www.thinkingblocks.com/ which was recommended for helping with word problems. You might check it out.

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