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We were moving some things in our shed and a couple hours later he has two pustules forming. They are about a 1/2 in apart which makes me think to big for a spider, but maybe he was bit twice.


How should I help him? Anyone been through this? Can you tell be at what point I will know if it isn't a recluse. It is a little red, but not itchy or burning.



Ugh! Do not want to to deal with a spider bite right now. :(


I think of ulcers, not pustules for BR bites.




I do too, but I was wondering if it was just early. The fact that it isn't bothering him has me a little confused. I would think fire ant, but you feel those immediately.


I think I will give an antihistamine and Ibuprofen. If they pop clean with Hibeclens. The Dr also gave me a strong topical antibiotic, because dd and I are prone to staph.


Part of my concern over this is we are packing for a move in a few days and I want to be able to tell him whether to go to the Dr. tomorrow or not. I will probably just have to watch it through the evening. :(


Does he have any bruise looking skin changes around it? My go to for pain is something like Neosporin (or other antibacterial ointment) and hydrocortizone if there is swelling.


Please, I beg of you, and I mean BEG OF YOU, get him to the Dr right now.


I had a friend--this past week, lose two fingers to a recluse bite that he let sit for 3 days because he 'didn't remember' getting bit.


No hyperbole, please, I beg of you.


I will gladly send you pictures of his necrotic fingers.


I would use a pen and circle around the actual redness, or blister. If it grows outside the circle I would take him in. The brown recluse bites I have seen will move really fast. I have seen them start at blisters or pustules then popping.


Please, I beg of you, and I mean BEG OF YOU, get him to the Dr right now.


I had a friend--this past week, lose two fingers to a recluse bite that he let sit for 3 days because he 'didn't remember' getting bit.


No hyperbole, please, I beg of you.


I will gladly send you pictures of his necrotic fingers.



He went to pick the kids up from the Godparents. I will get my first good look in about 1/2 hr. Trust me, if I see anything that makes me wary he will be in the Dr. first thing in the morning. I am not in the mood to mess around with this, but he is very healthy and ....... I cannot quite figure out how to say this.......gentle with his hands. ;) He is kinda a baby when it comes to them and I often tease him for putting bandaids on the littlest thing. He would be the first to take himself in.


Ive heard the bites are generally pretty painful... BUT I had a family member (tough ol cowboy from TX) that got bit on his back. He thought he was fine and let it go A FEW DAYS... long story short he ended up having a nasty wound that you could fit a roll of quarters in.


Its really not something worth chancing. I would get him to the Dr. I mean, better safe than sorry.


ETA: We were posting at the same time, so I didnt see your post until after I submitted mine. I think its smart of you to be willing to take him to the Drs. Hopefully everything turns out alright. Give us an update! Best wishes and prayers your way.


He went to pick the kids up from the Godparents. I will get my first good look in about 1/2 hr. Trust me, if I see anything that makes me wary he will be in the Dr. first thing in the morning. I am not in the mood to mess around with this, but he is very healthy and ....... I cannot quite figure out how to say this.......gentle with his hands. ;) He is kinda a baby when it comes to them and I often tease him for putting bandaids on the littlest thing. He would be the first to take himself in.


Thank you. I know I'm scared because this just happened to a friend, but we just couldn't believe how fast it went from a dime size, and then he woke up and his whole hand was swollen with black fingertips.


I would hate to see anything like that happen to you both.


It's also such a bad time where you might want to put it off because there's so much to do, or to wait until you get there...


I was bit on the leg years ago. It started with a small blister which I popped and washed with peroxide. Over the next few days it turned red and then a black and blue depression formed and spread and I got a fever and chills. I went to the doctor twice before I convinced them it was a spider bite. I was finally put on antibiotics.


Please, I beg of you, and I mean BEG OF YOU, get him to the Dr right now.


I had a friend--this past week, lose two fingers to a recluse bite that he let sit for 3 days because he 'didn't remember' getting bit.


No hyperbole, please, I beg of you.


I will gladly send you pictures of his necrotic fingers.




Okay, I took a good look at it when he got home and I pretty sure it is a fire ant bite. No swelling and only red for about a mm around the actual pustules. I think it is over 24 hrs old and he just noticed them because we saw a recluse and I got wigged about touching anything else.


Thanks for all the help and sorry for the false alarm. :(

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