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Overview of World History for 1st/2nd with Geography...HOD...Sonlight...MFW


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I am wondering if their is a curriculum out their that is an overview of world history with a strong geography focus.


I have Expedition Earth but I don't necessarily want to just do a geography year.


I like Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts but the ages of my kids aren't in their "range". It will be for a 2nd grader 7/8 year old, 1st grader 6/7 year old, and then 4K. Has anyone used PHFHG specifically for the history/bible? Would it be worth it with the ages or would it be too much?


Sonlight's Intro to World History looks something like what I am thinking but I am more questioning of their book choices. (We like to wait on tough topics until kids are older but still think there are plenty of books to use beyond just American history when they are young.) I also am not that interested in doing the Intro for two years but like the books that are in the separate years better than the books in the B+C option. If you have used Core B, C, or B+C can you tell me which books are questionable? Is B+C too old for my two oldests? It looks like the age goes up from B, but B+C and C are the same.


I also wondered if MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures would have a history overview focus at all? I like the use in HOD/Sonlight of A Child's History of the World and in HOD Grandpa's Box. Are these books in the back reading list at all? What types of books are in the reading list? I guess I am wondering if it is pretty much just geography like EE from Confessions.


We are doing American history this year with Elemental History and I think I would really like to do an overview before we start ancients. Anything out there like what I am thinking or do I have to set it up myself if I want to do it???

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I can't comment on Sonlight, but from what I have heard of MFW I think your kids would be too young for ECC. I haven't actually used it. ;) I'm using Preparing with my 4th grade ds this year and I personally wouldn't use it for a dc younger than 8 and that would need to be an advanced 8 year old. If you just intended to use the history and Bible portions I suppose you could make it work, but there is no way you would be moving on to CTC the following year. Preparing is such an awesome guide. I would hate for someone to try and do it too soon and not really get the most from it.

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I also wondered if MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures would have a history overview focus at all? I like the use in HOD/Sonlight of A Child's History of the World and in HOD Grandpa's Box. Are these books in the back reading list at all? What types of books are in the reading list? I guess I am wondering if it is pretty much just geography like EE from Confessions.


We are doing American history this year with Elemental History and I think I would really like to do an overview before we start ancients. Anything out there like what I am thinking or do I have to set it up myself if I want to do it???



Those books aren't in the back of MFW ECC's book basket list. ECC to my knowledge is more current culture study and geography, not world history overview. The books recommended in the book basket list include chapter books and picture books introducing cultures for the area studied in. Some of the suggestions are historical fiction taking place in said country, but no history books. Expedition Earth is a takeoff of MFW ECC, I believe, though I think it goes through more countries more speedily. So yes, I think ECC will be like EE.

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I can't comment on Sonlight, but from what I have heard of MFW I think your kids would be too young for ECC. I haven't actually used it. ;) I'm using Preparing with my 4th grade ds this year and I personally wouldn't use it for a dc younger than 8 and that would need to be an advanced 8 year old. If you just intended to use the history and Bible portions I suppose you could make it work, but there is no way you would be moving on to CTC the following year. Preparing is such an awesome guide. I would hate for someone to try and do it too soon and not really get the most from it.


Thanks for the advice about the ages. My plan isn't to use CTC the following year most likely so that wouldn't be a problem. I really want to keep my kids somewhat together for content subjects.


Those books aren't in the back of MFW ECC's book basket list. ECC to my knowledge is more current culture study and geography, not world history overview. The books recommended in the book basket list include chapter books and picture books introducing cultures for the area studied in. Some of the suggestions are historical fiction taking place in said country, but no history books. Expedition Earth is a takeoff of MFW ECC, I believe, though I think it goes through more countries more speedily. So yes, I think ECC will be like EE.


This is what I thought to about ECC's booklist, thanks. When I was looking at the books used in EE vs ECC they do look very similar.


I am still hoping I can figure out a history focus and then maybe I can just add in EE.

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I am reading A Child's History of the World to my K'er and think that you could read it and add some geography separately.

I'm thinking that might be the best thing for what you are looking for. You could get CHOW and Grandpa's box(or a children's picture bible) and read them along with studying geography. Of course it wouldn't be neatly laid out for you, but I think you might be able to find a resource that lines up World History with Bible history so you know what order to read them in.

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