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would you do this to get a night out?


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My sister is my only babysitter. She's the only family I have and DH and I don't trust any of his family members. We don't really have friends that we're close enough to to ask them to babysit. So we're pretty much stuck with my sister, but I'm at the point where going out just isn't worth it anymore.


When my sister watches our kids, it's always at my house and her kids (16, 13, and 7) always come along. They don't like to be at their house so it's always at my house. When they come over, the kids are always starving so they raid my fridge and eat me out of house and home. Plus, there's always at least one meal involved, so I have to cook (ahead of time) a meal for 6 people. They don't clean up after themselves and last time we went out the dinner leftovers were left out for over 4 hours so I tossed them. My house is always an absolute mess, even though their house is always kept immaculate.


My kids are happy, though. They love their cousins, despite the age difference (mine are almost 5 and 2.5). So it makes me happy knowing that my kids like when their aunt and cousins come over.


I'm really ticked off now though, because I asked my sister if she'd babysit this Saturday so DH and I could go out to dinner with some friends (I asked her about 2 weeks ago). She was going to be working until 4 and said I'd have to go get her kids because she wouldn't have time to go all the way home to get them and then get back to my house (she works near me). I told her no problem.


Today I emailed her to confirm we were still on for Saturday and I told her I'd get her kids at 4. She said I'd have to get them from her MIL's at 2:30. I can't do that. I have a few appointments that day and her MIL's is about 45 minutes from where I'll be, then another 45 minutes to my house. If I were picking the kids up from my sister's house, it would be 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back. Plus, I need time to make dinner for everyone. And no, my sister has never and will never bring food over to make for her kids, much less mine.


I asked why her husband can't pick them up and bring them home. She said she just found out today that he decided to go out-of-town for the weekend. And the kids can't be brought home earlier by the MIL because my sister won't let them stay home by themselves, even for just a couple hours.


Anyway, I told her that I can't get her kids at that time and that I wish I had known about the change of plans. Then she asks why I can't get her kids from her MIL's at 4. I told her she said 2:30. She said her MIL's sister could sit with them until 4. Yes, I probably could get them around that time, but it won't give me much time at home to make dinner and with my appointments I'd be doing a lot more traveling with having to go to her MIL's.


What ended up happening was my sister didn't see the big deal in driving to her MIL's and I told her to just forget it. Now I have to cancel with my friends.


So what I want to know is, when you have a babysitter, are you also expected to make a meal for 4 additional people, clean up after them, drive all over town to get them, and then be so stressed about what you're going to come home to that going out isn't even worth it?


I'm sure someone is going to make me see this differently, but seeing as it's my sister and she just assumes I'll do anything she tells me to, I'm having a hard time seeing her babysitting as anything but a PITA!

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hire one, the only thing you are expected to do is pay them.



This came across as flippant, but in reality, no I would not do all the things you do for a night out. It sounds like your sister is selfish and useing you and is inconsiderate to boot.


I also have not had a night out in a loooong time, so I obviously think it is too much trouble.

I cannot find a sitter, or a family member sooo I'm waiting for the children to grow up.

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Do you pay her? Do you babysit her kids?


Honestly, if you aren't paying someone, you don't have a lot of room to be demanding.

(Sorry, didn't mean for that to sound so rude, you aren't demanding, I just mean you aren't in a position to require anything if she is doing it for free. You either accept or decline, unfortunately. )

To answer your question though, no, I would NOT put up with that. I'd hire a babysitter or not go out.

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Why not have the eldest cousin babysit your kids? At 16 he/she should be capable. Then you only have to feed one of them. But a 16-year old would expect to be paid. And you should explain what you want for your money - safe kids, a tidy kitchen and no other people over.

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I asked why her husband can't pick them up and bring them home. She said she just found out today that he decided to go out-of-town for the weekend. And the kids can't be brought home earlier by the MIL because my sister won't let them stay home by themselves, even for just a couple hours.



That is bizarre. Especially the 16-year old.

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I'd love to hire a babysitter, but both my DH and I are afraid to hire a stranger. I've asked around for recommendations, but no one apparently has any. Everyone I know is lucky enough to have family to babysit. :glare:


I don't pay my sister. I babysat her kids while they were growing up, and even now, and have never been paid. And when I babysat her kids (before I had mine) it was a lot more often and I always had to go to her house.


I should also add, that if she babysits late enough, she says they're all sleeping over which means they also get breakfast and lunch the next day from me as well. :glare:

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Guest inoubliable

Hire someone. You pay them, and that's it.


I babysat as a teenager and sometimes I was asked to make a meal for the kids, which wasn't a problem at all, and was always provided with enough food that I'd be eating with them. I'd never expect to be fed, though.

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Since you have no other options, you are stuck with doing it like she can do it. For dinner, why don't you just order delivery pizza? Or, pick up some pizzas on your way home. They can reheat in the microwave if needed. But, it does sound kind of like it isn't really worth all the trouble to me. Is there a reason you can't find a different babysitter? Babysitters don't have to be family members. Of course, that means you have to pay them and it is quite $! You will likely still have the problem of having to clean up when you get home and fix them a meal before you leave. You might still have to pick up the sitter (if they aren't of driving age or don't have a car).

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Why not have the eldest cousin babysit your kids? At 16 he/she should be capable. Then you only have to feed one of them. But a 16-year old would expect to be paid. And you should explain what you want for your money - safe kids, a tidy kitchen and no other people over.



The 16 year old (boy) won't change diapers. He flat out admits that. My youngest is still in diapers. My 13 year old niece will do it, but I don't think she's mature enough to babysit on her own so when I've had them babysit it's always the two of them and I pay them both. They can't do it all that often because of school and sports, unfortunately.

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The 16 year old (boy) won't change diapers. He flat out admits that. My youngest is still in diapers. My 13 year old niece will do it, but I don't think she's mature enough to babysit on her own so when I've had them babysit it's always the two of them and I pay them both. They can't do it all that often because of school and sports, unfortunately.

In that case I suppose it is time to check around at church and dh's work for babysitter recommendations.

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Guest inoubliable

I'd love to hire a babysitter, but both my DH and I are afraid to hire a stranger. I've asked around for recommendations, but no one apparently has any. Everyone I know is lucky enough to have family to babysit. :glare:


I don't pay my sister. I babysat her kids while they were growing up, and even now, and have never been paid. And when I babysat her kids (before I had mine) it was a lot more often and I always had to go to her house.


I should also add, that if she babysits late enough, she says they're all sleeping over which means they also get breakfast and lunch the next day from me as well. :glare:


I think it may be time to start interviewing people...


I don't get the sleepover and breakfast part with your sister. She has her own home, right? I don't understand why she'd have to sleep over if she lives just 20 mins away. Or why she wouldn't be going home to eat breakfast (lunch, too?!).

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If that's the deal that's on offer, I wouldn't resent it (it's not fundamentally unreasonable) but I wouldn't often go to the trouble of accepting it. It has a "cost" so I'd do a cost-benefit analysis -- then make a decision and be fine with it.


So, my answer is, "It would depend how badly I wanted to get out." -- if I wanted it badly enough, I'd do it without any ill feeling. If it wasn't worth the effort, I wouldn't, but I wouldn't blame the sister for my decision.


If I were in your shoes, I'd be finding an easier solution, which would probably involve asking myself whether my high standards were really warranted for just an occasuonal 'babysitter'.

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It could be just a family "fun" thing in her mind. But for me, it would be that I can't drive far in the dark. So who knows, maybe there is some reason for it.



She claims it's because she doesn't like driving in the dark, but I know that's not an issue with her. She just doesn't like to be home (she doesn't have a good relationship with her husband and at my house she pretty much doesn't have to do a darn thing when I'm there).


So I pretty much stay in the kitchen and cook all day and go around the house picking up after people when they're over.

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Nope. I wouldn't deal w/ that unless it was an emergency. I think your sister is over the top wierd if she won't allow her 16, 13, and 7 yo to stay home alone. Why? Is the 16 yo a danger to the siblings? Not going home when you're out late is strange too. I can't imagine a married woman w/ teenagers not going home. If it were a matter of not wanting to wake her 7 yo- then leave him/;her w/ you, and you can take the child home in the a.m. Call the high school and see if they know someone who babysits. Ask neighbors, ask friends who use relatives if one of their relatives would like to babysit for pay. I bet someone has a grandma or aunt or teen daughter that would love the job.

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It would depend on how much I wanted to go out! I'd order pizza for them and pick up some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. If you want them gone by lunch, say you have to be somewhere in the morning mod pack up your kids and drive off. Surely they wouldn't stay and eat then? I'd milk it for all it was worth.....if she was going to be staying over, I'd be staying out late!!

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We were new to our area and didn't have any family or friends to help out for date nights. We signed up for a website that matches babysitters to employers (I don't know if I'm allowed to put a link up). It's $30/month, and you can cancel at anytime, so we only paid the first $30. It did take a while to find someone - we had three different young women cancel at the last minute because they'd rather party, but we finally found the perfect sitter for occasional date nights. She's a first grade teacher, used to be a live-in nanny for infants, very flexible, absolutely loves everything about kids. Totally worth it.


If you interview several different people, I'd have to recommend going with either a very, very mature person with a steady job who understands that it's not acceptable to flake off, or a teenager living with her parents, who will catch heck from them if she doesn't show. Every college-age or post-college girl we tried (and I say this as a 26 year old!), was incredibly unreliable.

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Well, I do do this to get a weekend away sometimes. When my oldest dd, 24, is staying here on her vacation I have her stay with dd, 13, and they make a horrific mess, eat everything that isn't nailed down or frozen solid, and ruin a lot of food because in spite of lots of instruction neither of them knows how to cook, so they make "messes" which waste a lot of food that doesn't get eaten. I shop very carefully before I leave and I actually hide anything unrefridgerated I don't want ruined. So, yes, to get a weekend away I do put up with the same thing. However, in my case the 24yo is here any way, and is only slightly slowed by her food wasting and mess making by my supervision.

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It doesn't sound that bad to me considering she's doing it for free and the kids like seeing their cousins. My mom used to pay and buy dinner and snacks for my teen babysitters growing up.


I assume she's bringing her kids for company or help. I would also guess she's only willing to do it in your house because her home is not toddler proof or its easier to get them to sleep or something. I would just buy some frozen pizzas or a tray of lasagna and a pack of paper plates. Make sure its before you go grocery shopping so you don't have a lot of extra food. I would balk at picking her kids up, but I'd definitely be willing to provide dinner for a crowd to go out with my husband.

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Honestly, it sounds to me like you are making this bigger than it really is. So what if you have to drive a little farther to pick up your sister's kids when she's doing you a favor? She didn't purposely change the plans to hurt you. Pick up some McD's at the drive-thru on the way home with your nieces/nephews. Why would you cook?


Since she's the only person you know who can babysit, you should find a backup. Your kids can talk now, so it should be OK for that backup to not be a close family friend or relative. Have you ever looked into care.com or the like?


Finally, as a single mom of two six-year-olds, I almost never go out without my kids except for work. It is nice if you can, but when plans fall through, it's not that big of a deal. It's not your sister's responsibility to make sure her life is always arranged to accommodate your social schedule. Stuff happens. Maybe you have other frustrations with your sister and this was just the icing on the cake?


Sorry if this comes off harsh, but your OP really struck me as over the top.

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My take would be different: This is an overnight visit with family, with the babysitting thrown in as a perk, for free.

I'd get a visit with my sister and the kids get a visit with their cousins. Sister even babysits my kids and allows me and my husband to go out. They even sleep over - so no driving back a teen babysitter in the middle of the night.

The price of an overnight visit with family are a few meals. I consider that normal. Honestly, I'd be thrilled with such an arrangement.


If this bothers you, you could simply hire and pay the 16 and 13 year old cousins. Or you could simply buy pizza if cooking bothers you.

Btw, hired babysitters expect to be fed, too.

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The 16 year old (boy) won't change diapers. He flat out admits that. My youngest is still in diapers. My 13 year old niece will do it, but I don't think she's mature enough to babysit on her own so when I've had them babysit it's always the two of them and I pay them both. They can't do it all that often because of school and sports, unfortunately.


But in this case, they were all coming to your house anyway, right?


So why couldn't you have just hired the older two kids to babysit and driven them home at the end of the evening?


I must be missing something here, because I'm sure you would have already thought to suggest that to your sister. :)

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She claims it's because she doesn't like driving in the dark, but I know that's not an issue with her. She just doesn't like to be home (she doesn't have a good relationship with her husband and at my house she pretty much doesn't have to do a darn thing when I'm there). So I pretty much stay in the kitchen and cook all day and go around the house picking up after people when they're over.


Sounds like it's a bit of a weird situation but if it was that important to me to have the time out with dh, I'd do it. BUT I would make some changes.


First, I'd talk to her and ask her to at least not leave a total mess. I'd also order delivery pizza for everyone, or do something super simple (a box of macaroni & cheese and some broccoli), even cooking it ahead of time and letting them heat it up when they were ready. I'd have some snacks available - chips, popcorn, pretzels - and either hide anything I didn't want them to have, or tell them something was off-limits and to not eat it. If they stayed overnight, I'd stick some boxes of cereal on the table and tell them where to find the milk, or do a big batch of scrambled eggs or pancakes. Lunch would be bread, and peanut butter and jelly.


I would definitely stop waiting on them so much.

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Do you have any good friends with kids who might consider doing a babysitting swap? She comes over and watches your kids at your house this weekend and you go over and watch hers another night. It doesn't cost either of you anything and you both get a night out with your hubbies. I have a friend who I do that with.

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You're probably spending the same amount on food as you would for a paid sitter.


Have soup in the crockpot, or some simple easy meal- deli sandwiches, even! paper plates & cups- even if you have a dishwsher! Get a large box or laundry basket- and put all of the allowed snacks in that- chips, sodas, cookies. If there are perishables, put them in a dishpan on a shelf in the fridge. Make it very clear to EACH ONE OF THEM (don't just tell sis) that that is their food. Make it positive- I got some special snacks for you all. The rest of our groceries are planned for other meals- so please just enjoy what's out for you.


Then plan a playdate or class for mid-morning the next day- tell them they all have to be out my 10am. Breakfast is cold cereal. If they have to stay for lunch- PB & Js.


These ideas should help you keep costs down and stress low. feeding them while they're working should not require the same effort and expense as a holiday meal.


So to answer your question- yes, I *would* go to similar trouble for a family babysitter- but my food budget is not unlimited, so it would be cheap. I actually don't have space for that many peopel to comfortable sleep over- if they bring sleeping bags and don't mind setting up camp on a hardwood floor that only has room for 3 sleeping bags- go for it! we also have Saturday activities, so they'd be out the door at 8am with a cold Poptart. :lol:

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The 16 year old (boy) won't change diapers. He flat out admits that. My youngest is still in diapers. My 13 year old niece will do it, but I don't think she's mature enough to babysit on her own so when I've had them babysit it's always the two of them and I pay them both. They can't do it all that often because of school and sports, unfortunately.



I babysat for many kids as a teen starting at age 13. I honestly don't remember changing many diapers! The parents would leave in the early evening, children in diapers had fresh ones, the kids went to bed relatively early. I usually helped the kids to a snack, was allowed to eat one myself. I CLEANED UP anything that we left messy. (why would a sitter not clean up after themselves???) If a diaper emergency occurred I knew how to change one and sometimes did, but that was pretty rare. Parents were home by late evening or early a.m. I would never expect a meal at a babysitting job unless it was an all-day thing.


How come Sis doesn't put away leftovers? Could you instruct her to "put away any leftovers," or would she take offense?


It does sound like way too much work. I'd be inclined to just stay home until I could make a dfiferent arrangement. Maybe someone at church has a daughter?


Good luck!

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Look around the neighborhood/mom's group/church for some teens. Start hiring thm for mother's helper worker. While you are home they can watch one child while you do some one on one ae specific with the other. They can watch both while you do things at home (complete some chore that requires power tools, complete assignments for a course you are taking, etc). After you get to know a specific mother's helper better, you can try leaving the kids for short periods (30 min so you can have quick browse alone at the library).


Pretty soon you have a babysitter who knows and follows through on your expectations.

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Seeing as we currently pay $10/hour to babysit one child who is old enough to take care of herself (but not quite old enough to be left alone at night) PLUS any meals and snacks that occur during that time, yes, I would probably put up with what you are. I might find it annoying but if it is your only option, do it. A night out once in a while is worth it. Our sitters tend to leave a mess too. I can never figure out how so many dishes get used by two people over the course of four hours....even when I prepared the meal ahead of time. I am counting the days (and dollars) until dd is old enough to be left alone once in a while.

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I mean this as nicely as possible...I think you are pretty lucky to have someone to babysit. We didn't go on any dates for the first 10 or so years of our marriage. I mean NONE. We grew our babysitters, but with 9 children and only a 16yo and 13yo old enough to babysit it is still pretty rare. Someone raiding my fridge and sleeping over would be worth it to me. Sometimes just having a conversation without interruptions would be worth it.

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Wait. Your sister won't let her kids stay home alone but they are allowed to stay home alone at your house while babysitting your kids? What am I missing?



Well, when they come to my house to babysit (and this only started recently) the 7 year old didn't come. But when they're at home, my sister doesn't trust that the two older ones will get along with the 7 year old, which is why all 3 can't be home alone.


To hopefully answer some other questions, as far as driving in the dark goes, I know my sister doesn't have an issue with it as she often goes out late at night and stays out until all hours of the night. Sometimes with her kids. Like I said, she just wants to spend the night because she knows in the morning she'll get a breakfast and her kids will be pretty much taken care of by my DH and myself.


Her house is quite toddler proof, I can assure you. She just doesn't want to be there if her DH is there so any opportunity she has to be at my house, she takes it.


That leads me to the fact that her and her kids are at my house at least 2 weekends a month. That means I'm cooking for them and cleaning up after them that whole time. And I can't just order food in because we're vegan and they're vegetarian. So even if I ordered them a pizza, I'd have to make my own kids a pizza. And all the kids have particular tastes so I'm often making 2 or 3 variations of the same meal or 2 or 3 different meals all together. I've tried using paper plates and plastic throw away cups, but all that stuff still ends up all over my house for me to throw away.


I've been asking and asking around, but either people don't want to give the name of their babysitter or people just truly don't use them in my circles. I've looked on websites for one, but I'm super paranoid about hiring a stranger to watch my kids.


I know if I'm not paying her I shouldn't be choosy, but I babysat for her MANY times when her kids were little, often driving home in the middle of the night, and not having anything to eat at her house (they weren't vegetarian at the time). Eventually the kids were allowed to stay at my house and each time they spent the night and I fed them. So it annoys me that my sister never seems to be reciprocating in the food department.


What really bothered me about this last time was that she just assumed I would be doing nothing and could go get her kids at a totally different time and place. I know she thinks because I'm a SAHM and she works full-time that her schedule is more hectic than mine. I really think she thinks I do nothing all day. I don't know who's maintaining my house, taking the kids to their activities, and homeschooling my kids then!


Thanks for letting me vent and for your feedback. My sister makes me feel like the worst sister in the world and sometimes I begin to believe it myself so that's why I put these questions out there. LOL

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