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Anxiety with fight reactions not flight

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Anyone got any good resources? Most of the ones I have are on flight behaviors. Off handed comment made more since than what current therapist (OT and speech) are thinking. DD5 is making great progress but I think the reason behind most of her behavioral issues is anxiety. I need a better way of addressing the behavior if it is anxiety related.


DD live in survival mode unDX with hearing loss before we adopted her. I've been to a RAD clinic and its not what we see in DD. My notes are starting to show the pattern of behavior around communication.

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I've come to the conclusion over the past year that this is what's driving much of DS's behaviors as well.


In terms of resources, here's what I've found helpful:

What these books mainly helped me with was shifting my perspective from a consequences-driven approach, to more of a nurturing and anxiety-reducing approach. I didn't implement either set of recommendations fully - just took what I thought would work for DS and our family, and left the rest. But I gleaned several good ideas and paradigm shifts from both, and they helped me better understand what was going on with DS, and how my approach needed to shift in order to better support him.

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