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Pityriasis rosea (Christmas tree rash)


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Yup. I've got it. I had a bad cold with a sore throat last week. Both of mine had it when they were younger, so I was pretty sure that was it this weekend. Just to be sure, I called my doctor, and she just confirmed my symptoms over the phone (and agreed that I shouldn't come in with all of the flu around).


I took anti-histimine last night, and am slathered in anti-itch stuff. I even put a cold pack on the worst area. This is going to be misery because I have to go to work tonight.


Any other tips? This is misery...

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I had it last year (in the miserable heat of a Texas summer), so I feel your pain! :grouphug: Heat makes it worse, so make sure your showers/baths are as cool as you can stand them. I don't remember where I read it, but I heard that Evening Primrose Oil (500 mg) taken twice daily was supposed to provide some relief, so I tried it. I don't know how the course would have run without it, but I noticed a significant decrease in the itching after only a couple of days of taking the supplement. The rash still looked pretty bad, but I wasn't being driven mad by the itching any more. I took it for about six weeks or so, until the herald patch was gone.

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