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Supplements for Autism and ADHD (article from the Nourishing Hope website)


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She's got a lot of great information on her site.


I'll add another resource. :001_smile: My favorite online summary of supplements/biomedical treatments is this report: http://autismconferencesofamerica.com/files/summarybiomedicaltreatments_final040607.pdf


It does a great job clearly laying out the beneficial supplements and treatments, and I like that it combines the parent effectiveness ratings (from the Autism Research Institute) as well as links to supporting research for the various treatments.

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This article seems to be focused on replacing the vitamins & minerals lost when eliminating dairy from the child's diet. While that's certainly important, I would argue that in terms of helping with symptoms of autism, they aren't the most crucial ones to give. I would say more important are omega 3's, DMG or TMG, zinc if that's low, and the B-vitamins, especially the bioactive forms like methyl B12, P5P, folinic acid, TTFD or benfotiamine, etc. Antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, n-acetyl-cysteine, selenium, etc. are also often very beneficial.

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