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Anyone do this lapbook for SOTW?


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I was looking at this lapbook here for SOTW: http://runofthemillfamily.blogspot.com/2010/04/story-of-world-lapbook-for-volume-one.html?m=1


For the life of me, I can';t figure out how this thing goes together and how to 'create' it lol...I will say I've never done lapbooks before, but I looked online and saw how they're constructed, but this doesn't seem to go together like the others I've seen??

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Did you watch the video? She goes through the whole thing so that would help you see it a little better. I dislike how traditional lapbooks are put together so we put any big ones together in a more book-like format. For this sotw one we just used the components on notebooking pages to go in our history notebook.

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Watch the video. The notebook made more sense to me after i saw it.


Ds is currently doing the lapbook because I found it helps to focus him while reading a chapter of SOTW. I think dd is a little jealous because she's more crafty. However, I was surprised at how well he took to it. Now it's "his" project and I find other projects for dd to do.

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We've been doing it this year. I second the recommendation to watch the video. I found the most difficult part to be putting the file folders together! Most of the mini-books become self-explanatory afte you've done a few, though they always have directions. I printed up all of the templates at the begining of the year so we can just take out the next template after reading a chapter. My kids have enjoyed doing it, and it is nice to have a pre-planned form of output to go along with our history reading.

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If I were to do it over again, I would make the components and then glue them into file folders when we had enough to fill a folder (that's what we are doing for SOTW2). Later you could glue the outsides of the folders together, or 3-ring punch the folders and put them in a binder. The video was complete, but the final lapbook, with pages folded was bulkier and more awkward than needed.


I never completely understood it until we just started doing it.

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