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I haven't introduced myself...

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I've been here for a while, but neglected to introduce myself. So, I suppose it's time!


I originally found this message board when learning about self education and lifelong learning. I've since gotten very interested in homeschooling my children (one year old DS and another little one due in April), so have really started to study up and figure out what I need to know to make this a reality.


I figured this would be as good a place as any to start my homeschooling education, as well as peruse the self education forum as was originally my purpose. ;)


I would like to homeschool for several reasons - first, to have more control over my children's' educations, and second, to provide continuity in their educations that they wouldn't have otherwise (we are a military family). I'm having fun exploring the different philosophies right now, and just discovered CiRCE Institute, which has definitely made me think about homeschooling in a totally different way.


As far as self education goes, my current interests are Greek and Roman mythology, which I never had the opportunity to learn, as well as finance, specifically having to do with business. I also love foreign languages, and am working currently on Russian as well as Dutch (my first language, which is sadly been neglected since I moved to the US as a child).


I'm looking forward to getting to know you all as I get started on this journey. :)

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Thanks, you two! I've definitely been more of a lurker over the couple months I've been here, but I've learned a lot! And the diverse group of people makes it even better - I get to see so many viewpoints I wouldn't see otherwise. This is a very valuable message board. :)

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Guest misstristyn

Hello! I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself as well. I'm a 30-yr-old mom of 3 girls (6, 3, and 1) I've been homeschooling for two years using Sonlight. I'm LDS, fluent in Spanish (my college major), love gardening & self-sufficiency. We dream of someday having a self-sufficient farm homestead. For now, we have a worm bin, quail, and rabbits. My husband of 9 years is finishing up his PhD in materials science and engineering. We live in Atlanta but will move to Maryland this year.

I began homeschooling in order to provide my daughters with the best education possible. We also want to have control over what they're taught. I also had a lot of very negative social experiences in public school growing up which contributed to my desire to shield my children from what I perceive as a social shark tank. After a bit of a bumpy start, we've absolutely loved home school. My daughter is thriving. It has been so fulfilling and exciting watching her mind bloom and I'm looking forward to beginning the process with my younger children as they come to school age.

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Hi Fiona and Misstristyn

I'm new too. Welcome.


Fiona - with your interest Greek and Roman mythology you might like Hesiod's Theogony, The Homeric Hymns, and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Enjoy!


Misstristyn - one of my dds is a big bird fan and very envious of your quails :001_smile:



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