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Update on me


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After last week's u/s showed slow heart rate and measurements that were almost 2 weeks behind, today's u/s showed no heart beat and decreased growth. D&C is scheduled for Wednesday. I wish I'd not waited. I wish I'd found another doctor and gotten this taken care of this week rather than spending another week feeling sick and tired. I'm so done with this. My doctor made a big mistake when she asked if I wanted her to tie my remaining tube during the procedure. I just looked at her and didn't respond since there were no kind words in my mind at that moment. Needless to say, she will not be touching my remaining tube. What an idiot.


Thank you for the PMs and good thoughts, ladies. I could say I'm doing well, that my focus is on God (HA!), that I'm being a pleasant person and mom. I could say those things but lying is not usually a good thing. I'm angry with myself for waiting, angry with my idiotic OB who maintained an attitude I did not appreciate (optimistic rather than realistic), angry at everything. So I'm drowning myself in chocolate, junk food and movies that have absolutely no purpose other than to fill my time and distract my mind.


Oh, and when I asked my doctor if I could start with a methotrexate shot in hopes that something might happen before Wednesday she said 'no'. NO??? Anyone have any idea why she would say that? From what I understand, methotrexate is an option at this stage. Maybe she's hoping I'll agree to let her tie my tube and so wants me to have the D&C...


ETA: I apologize to those who have experienced loss far worse than this. I know that what I'm going through is nothing compared to what some of you have suffered, and I imagine there are those here who are thinking that if this is all I am facing, I am lucky. Yes, I am lucky. I also know there are those who see my family size and might think, "Um, yeah, get over it already." I also apologize. I feel I should not complain, that I have no right to be so upset. I'm sorry.

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Oh, and when I asked my doctor if I could start with a methotrexate shot in hopes that something might happen before Wednesday she said 'no'. NO??? Anyone have any idea why she would say that? From what I understand, methotrexate is an option at this stage. ... I know that what I'm going through is nothing compared to what some of you have suffered, and I imagine there are those here who are thinking that if this is all I am facing, I am lucky. Yes, I am lucky. I also know there are those who see my family size and might think, "Um, yeah, get over it already." I also apologize. I feel I should not complain, that I have no right to be so upset. I'm sorry.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Did she not explain why she felt that way about the methotrexate? Your OB works for YOU - you are the client. YOU should be given the info so you can make informed decisions. If there's anything you don't understand, you should be able to ask questions and get thoughtful answers. That is the way my birth attendants have always treated me. It is even more important when you are facing such a heartbreaking situation. You have the right to ask again, or seek a second opinion, before your D&C if you wish.


You do not need to apologize for sharing your feelings. Yes, there are always people worse off than you, and it's always good to think about that. But you have been through a devastating emotional and physical experience - do not feel the need to minimize that. Vent, cry, yell, get angry, grieve, pray - whatever you feel is what you feel. No need to be stoic, no need to apologize.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry.


Has anyone here been saying things to you along the lines of your ETA? Because we can totally form a WTM posse to go after them if so. I hear Mergath has some mad MMA skills. Seriously, your loss is still a loss, no matter how many kids you have or how far along you were. Don't let anyone guilt you into feeling bad about grieving--not even yourself. And if someone has been saying such things, shame on them.

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Has anyone here been saying things to you along the lines of your ETA?


No, nor would I expect anyone on WTM to say anything. I wanted to add that to acknowledge those who may be reading/following what is going on yet have thoughts like that. It's tricky...feeling sorrow without feeling guilty.
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Honey, your feelings of loss, anger and grief are valid. Period.


NOBODY has the right to lessen them, simply b/c you have other children. That's like saying a 2nd child isn't as valued, loved, wanted, simply b/c they're not the first...which we all know is complete bull doody.


You've NOTHING to feel guilty about. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. And, just. wow. on that doc. I truly hope you don't ever return to her. She is certainly not on the same page as you. She's not even reading the same book. I hope you can find another doc and leave this one in the dust.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry your doctor is an idiot! And I'm sorry you don't think you have a right to feel anger and grief. Every child is as precious as every other child, and you have every right to morn the loss of this one. :grouphug:

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Honey, speaking as a mom to an only child... I cannot imagine that even if I had twenty kids, that I would not grieve a lost one. :grouphug: You have every right to grieve this loss as you need to. And if that involves another half ton of chocolate, so be it.


I can't imagine why she wouldn't let you have the drug, but at this point, who knows why she's doing anything. I hope you're able to find someone else once this is over, one who will listen to and support YOU!


I wish you peace as you go through the next few days. We are here to listen and send you hugs. :grouphug:

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OH...I am so sorry.... I really have no idea what the right words are, and I don't know how to make the group hug thing, but I'm hurting for you. The doctor was wrong. I had a friend whose doctor did something similar, I guess they just see it from some odd medical perspective that doesn't have much to do with reality. Our thoughts are with you over the next few days.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you. No matter what, it's the loss of a life of your child, and it is appropriate to grieve. Not to mention that you've been treated badly by this dr. She wouldn't even explain why this the shot wasn't an option? Sheesh! Is this a long time OB?

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Honey, speaking as a mom to an only child... I cannot imagine that even if I had twenty kids, that I would not grieve a lost one. :grouphug: You have every right to grieve this loss as you need to. And if that involves another half ton of chocolate, so be it.


I can't imagine why she wouldn't let you have the drug, but at this point, who knows why she's doing anything. I hope you're able to find someone else once this is over, one who will listen to and support YOU!


I wish you peace as you go through the next few days. We are here to listen and send you hugs. :grouphug:


Another mom of an only...I wanted more but didn't get more. Still and yet the lss of a baby, ANY baby is to be grieved, so sorry.

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