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Does anyone else find that they post a whole lot more when they are feeling lonely?


Homeschooling is lonely for me, and I just realized that I post to a lot more threads when I haven't had much adult interaction lately. I guess maybe this would be an extrovert thing? I am definitely an extrovert married to a supremely patient introvert.

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I'm an introvert, but I'd agree, I've probably posted more at times when I was lonely. Sometimes I've felt more lonely after posting here though.


I think there's also a need for intellectual stimulation that this board satisfies, even when I'm otherwise feeling somewhat ambivalent about the board or homeschooling.

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I can say that too.




:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Yeah, but I don't think it's really anyone's fault. I sometimes think that maybe my expectations are all wrong.


I've recently started to spend more time with my IRL friends, and funnily enough I think I actually get on better with them these days as a direct result of having spent so much time here; I think reading so many different opinions and perspectives, so many different tones and approaches has helped me become a more empathic, involved friend. So it's not all bad :001_smile:.

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I took a board break for awhile because I felt guilty about the time spent on here. I discovered that I was feeling increasingly stressed and on edge, and realized that this board serves as a stress valve for me--it allows me to escape mentally from the constant stressors that are an inherent part of trying to homeschool and manage a house full of children. I have other pressure valves, including talking on the phone with my sister and reading books (but only non-fiction because fiction pulls me out of my world completely and I forget to come back). I particularly enjoy these boards because they are interactive (unlike a book) and there are lots of people who share my obsessions with education, curriculum, and child rearing.


It was good for me to recognize there was a real benefit to moderate participation (mom is less stressed) because now I don't feel guilty about stopping by several times a day to see what is going on.

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I post more when I'm avoiding doing something else.


Yes. I post way more when I'm lonely, or when I want to distract myself from real life.


I post when I'm lonely or trying to avoid housework.


I post to avoid the stuff I actually should be doing. And now that I've said that out loud, I'm going to go tackle that to do list. ;)


I agree with all of these. I use these boards for procrastination or escapism.

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