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Gallbladder out-nerve damage in leg?


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I had my gallbladder out 13 days ago. Most of the abdomen pain has gone away thankfully...still a tiny big sore but nothing like I was last week. My digestive issues have gone away 100% for the first time in my life. I have not had one complication or problem eating anything. I'm SO grateful for that!!!!


My problem is that about 3 days after the surgery a numb spot appeared on my upper right thigh. It grew the next day and then the next it got PAINFUL. Shooting pains right there. It doesn't radiate. It hurts to touch the skin. It's still numb and when I stand up, the first few steps are horrible. Feels like toothpicks picking me from the inside. Definitely nerve related and I'm sure it's a result from the surgery..or laying around after the surgery.


I have googled this and that's just not something I recommend doing. There are people that have had this and it lasted for the rest of their lives. I can't bear that thought. Has anybody ever had this and it gone away? Is there anything I can do to ease the pain in my leg (other than taking 4 motrin at a time)?

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I would certainly call your surgeon and let him/her know.


I had my gallbladder out about seven years ago and had a similiar numbness. My surgeon said it sometimes happens, keep him posted on how it felt, blah, blah, he wasn't that concerned as it is seldom troublesome. (Glad to hear he didn't think it was troublesome, but I wasn't as calm about it as he was!)

After the initial first few weeks, the prickly sensation went away and it was just numb. I was still able to run, bike, garden w/o issue.

I had the numbness for several years then one day realized that the numbness was gone.



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hmm, interesting. I had numbness in my hips after mine was removed (before laparscopy). I assumed it was nerve damage from the pain shots. It took about six months to go away completely. I didn't have any pain though. I'd call your dr.

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