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Difference in pregnancies with boy vs. girl?


Difference in pregnancies with boys vs. girls  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. How big of a difference (if any) did you notice between pregnancy with boy vs. girl?

    • There was a huge difference in pregnancies with boys vs. girls (I was either way more sick, or some other major difference)
    • There was a slight, if any difference. (sex drive being different, carrying differently)
    • I noticed no difference and felt about the same with both sexes.
    • Other.

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I was SO VERY SICK with the boys. Day and night long morning sickness. Rarely sick with my girl.


And when I was pregnant with DD my MIL looked at me and said, "You're having a girl."


I asked her how she knew.


"Because girls suck all the beauty from your face."


So I guess I was really ugly. LOL!

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Other. One girl, one boy.


The pregnancies were different in some ways and simliar in other. I have no idea whether or not sex had anything to do with it. I


Very little morning sickness with both.

Very sleepy with both.

Happy and healthy with both.

Craved watermelon and fruit with boy

Craved steak with dd.

More sore with dd, but she was my second c-section.

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I'm pregnant with #6 and while there have definitely been differences they have never correlated exclusively with gender. For instance I had hyperemesis (I know it's spelled wrong) with my first girl (3rd baby) but almost no morning sickness to speak of with my 5th (3rd girl) and moderately severe morning sickness with the other 4 (we have 3 of each by the way). I had one girl who started kicking at 13 weeks (versus 20 weeks+ with the 2 boys before her as well as the 2 girls after her) but it turns out that was the child who starting rolling across the floor at 6 weeks and climbed gates before she could walk. The boy I'm pregnant with now also started kicking at 13 weeks and I'm expecting a much more physically active baby than some of my others. So the differences have been more about their personalities than gender.

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I had 9 months of horrible morning- (noon-, and night-) sickness with my boy. Because I never had to be hospitalized, my OB said that it was technically not HG and refused to give me Zofran or anything else for it. With my girls, I had a bit of morning-sickness in the first trimester but nothing like with the boy.

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I was SO VERY SICK with the boys. Day and night long morning sickness. Rarely sick with my girl.


And when I was pregnant with DD my MIL looked at me and said, "You're having a girl."


I asked her how she knew.


"Because girls suck all the beauty from your face."


So I guess I was really ugly. LOL!




Wow. What an awful thing to say to ANYONE, let ALONE a pregnant woman.

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If you had asked me after my first two (girl and boy), I would have answered yes since I only had two pregnancies and they were different.


After 2 girls and 3 boys, however, I can't attribute any pregnancy difference to gender, but I can tell you that all my pregnancies were different.

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With my boys (6 pregnancies), I have had no symptoms of early pregnancy except having to get up and pee in the middle of the night. No nausea or anything, though. With my girls (3), I have always felt nauseous in the first trimester. Not "I'm going to throw up" nauseous--just an underlying twinge of unsettled tummy feeling. That's about it though. I definitely carry exactly the same.

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Pregnancies were different - carried a little differently as far as boy vs girl. Labor was completely different for each of my three children. Oddly enough, I had music cravings that were different with each pregnancy too, besides the usual food aversions or cravings.

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each pregnancy was different. the girls were very individual, and so were the boys. almost no similarities among the sexes. two of the boys I had big hip problems, and that was about it for similarities. (but I still have three boys - so 3ds I had no hip problems.)

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There was a difference--I was definitely more sick with dd, and the pregnancy overall was harder. But it wasn't a *huge* difference. Plus, I was 6 years older with dd than with her youngest older brother, so some of the difference may have been just that I was older & more overweight to begin with. So I voted "other".

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I voted other - there were definitely differences, but dh was deployed through the whole pg, I was exhausted the whole time trying to care for 3 little girls, start hsing, and just surviving. I think the differences were more because of the situation than because of the difference between boy and girl. I was significantly more nauseated - but I actually was the one cooking and cleaning EVERYTHING. There was no option to avoid the tomato soup (which was a big trigger for me) - the girls *loved* it, it was easy, but the smell made me want to die. In real life dh would have taken care of that and I probably wouldn't have noticed too much after the initial, "Whoa, that doesn't work for me." Kwim? Recovery after the C-section was significantly longer and harder, but again - dh left when ds was 2 weeks old and I'm relatively certain that was the reason for the difference.

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Sick through the whole pregnancy with the girl and carried differently, miserable, just laid on the couch and watched my oldest take over running the house. Boy pregnancies were easy, slightly sick at first then energized the rest of the time.


Age could have something to do with this though. I was in my 20's when I had the boys. I was in my mid 30's with the girl.

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I was SO VERY SICK with the boys. Day and night long morning sickness. Rarely sick with my girl.


And when I was pregnant with DD my MIL looked at me and said, "You're having a girl."


I asked her how she knew.


"Because girls suck all the beauty from your face."


So I guess I was really ugly. LOL!



That is so inappropriate that it made me laugh. I guess at least she thought you had SOME beauty before the pregnancy:) It also seems like sort of a "Snow White's wicked step-mother" thing to say about girl babies.

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No difference here. Sick the whole 9 months with all three. Cravings were unique with each one but the boys were different from each other in that area to so....

My mom had 7 pregnancies and the only ones that she says were really unique was the twins and that was more because she was so big and the babies were so active.

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I was so much more sick with my Daughter than with my Sons. With DD I could only stomach vegemite on toast for months, I lived on it. Vegemite was about the only thing that turned my stomach with the boys.


Oh, and the teA thing, definitely noticed a difference while carrying my boys :blush: Not interested at all with my DD.

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My daughter made me UGLY. She was my first. I was sick, I had a stye on one eye, and my very curly hair grew in STRAIGHT until she was weaned. Labor was induced and long. Nursing was a rough, painful 6-weeks before it got easy. I looked like death for a month after and there were no complications.


With my son I just looked like me but with a basketball under my shirt. Labor was long, but natural and not half as bad in spite him being 3 1/2 lbs bigger. I felt great the minute he was out. Nursing was a breeze. I was taking long strolls by the time he was 10 days old. My hair stayed curly.

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Guest inoubliable

Other. Only boys here. I had differences in what I wanted to eat with each of them, though.

DS12 - swiss cake rolls. Yeah. I'd pack away a carton a day if I could afford it. Super gross.

DS7 - Stouffer's frozen mac-n-cheese things. Super super gross. I'd eat several a day.

DS5 - milk. Cow's milk. Between 4 and 5 gallons A DAY. I'm vegan.


I guess it could have been worse. I could have been craving... whole sticks of butter? Rattlesnake steak?


And I carried each differently. And their heartbeats had the OB and nurses guessing girl/boy/girl/wait, boy! every appointment.

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