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All is right with the world!

Desert Rat

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Our dryer has broken twice since moving in here 17 months ago (we rent). The last time I think it was out of commission for 2 1/2 days, and I was losing my patience at that point. Eight days is WAY longer than that, lol.


My family does not run well if I let the laundry back up. It's the odd day that I don't run at least one load. Eight days without a dryer would find me at a laundromat for sure.

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I can quite imagine how delighted you feel. My tumble dryer broke down just over a month ago, amidst a number of other crises; it was six days before anyone could come out to fix it, and when it was finally fixed I felt almost euphoric. I was warned that when it next broke down it probably wouldn't be worth patching it up again, so I'm already looking for my next one - I'm particularly attracted to those stores that offer 'express delivery' :D .

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