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What would be good natural supplements for adults with ADD and low energy?


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Definitely an Omega-3 with a high DHA content. I don't care for Country Life, but I'm a self-confessed vitamin snob (I've worked in the industry for ~13 years), so feel free to take my advice with a grain of salt...but especially with something like fish oil, you want high-quality stuff that is fresh and free from conatminants while retaining the integrity of the oil itself. I'd go with the cheaper stuff for your bread and butter, like regular vitamins, if necessary, but I woudn't skimp on a fish oil. My personal favorite for fish oil is Nordic Naturals. My second favorite is probably Barlean's (their omega swirl stuff is pretty yummy). For an ADD or mood issue I'd probably take Nordic's DHA Xtra. I'm currently taking it now because I'm pregnant--and it does help with my mood, too. It is pricey, I think it retails about $30-ish for a one-month supply. That's the downside. However, it's very high quality and, while I realize this is just anecdotal, I do get good get results from it personally and hear very good things from others as well. If you want to get science geeky, I believe Nordic does publish a lot of information, including studies, on their web site.


No, I swear I do not get paid by the company. LOL. Just going by my experience.

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Below is some of what we do. I'm providing this info mostly based on what we give DS to reduce his ADHD symptoms (although for most of what I've listed, the adult dosage would be no different).


ADD & ability to focus:

- Omega-3 fish oils (we used Country Life for awhile and it was fine - DS now takes Carlson's Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in liquid form, 1 tsp. day)

- Zinc (hence the saying, "No Zinc, no think" - DS takes 50mg of Zinc Citrate daily)

- Vitamin C (it helps balance certain neurotransmitters and amino acids, which are important for physical and mental energy - DS takes 500mg of Vitamin C 2x day)

- Magnesium (also plays a role in neurotransmitter functioning - DS takes 400mg of Magnesium Citrate 1x day)

- Coconut oil (we buy organic extra-virgin coconut oil from our health food store and I use it to cook, spread on toast, mix in coffee etc. - it really helps with brain fog)


Low energy:

- Vitamin D3 (you get some Vitamin D in your Omega-3's so I don't give DS any extra - I take 2500-5000mg of Vitamin D3 a day, the higher dosage during the winter months)

- Ginseng (DH takes Ginsana for energy and has for years - we all notice a huge difference in his energy level when he takes a break from it)


Diet (for both of the above):

- Good quality protein with each meal - helps cognition by keeping blood sugar stable, increases energy

- Good fats (avocado, coconut oil, etc.) - same as above



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What brand Coconut Oil do you buy ? I have had my thyroid tested and it was normal. I have been doing low carb will trying to lose weight I never knew that could improve focus. Thank you for all of your suggestions.



I thought I would share that going low carb destroyed my energy levels and my attention and ability to focus. Can you see any connection between trying to eat low carb and your energy levels, etc.? I know low carb is supposed to be healthier but it wasn't good for me. When I went really low carb, I couldn't get a clear sentence out from start to finish and couldn't make it through the day without lying down. And I had a some scary low blood sugar episodes. I think I just burn through carbs quickly and don't have a lot of reserves. I feel so much better after increasing my carb intake.

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I thought I would share that going low carb destroyed my energy levels and my attention and ability to focus. Can you see any connection between trying to eat low carb and your energy levels, etc.? I know low carb is supposed to be healthier but it wasn't good for me. When I went really low carb, I couldn't get a clear sentence out from start to finish and couldn't make it through the day without lying down. And I had a some scary low blood sugar episodes. I think I just burn through carbs quickly and don't have a lot of reserves. I feel so much better after increasing my carb intake.




My son and I are this way as well. When I read about those who thrive when low carb I tend to think "One man's meat is another man's poison" but we do use protein and good fats as well. I will say my husband does better lower carb.

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I noticed huge differences in my Ex when he began eating beans instead of cereals for breakfast. I noticed a big difference when he stopped too... That would probably have been the result of the phenomenon Alyeska was talking about. We were looking to reduce dopamine deficiency symptoms.

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My youngest DD sees an integrative neurodevelopmental pediatrician who is a professor at UC San Francisco's medical school. He specializes in natural treatments for ADHD and autism. He has a good video on ADHD here, but it is long.



I watched this video last night. It seems to be a well balanced presentation regarding the integrative approach. I would have liked to hear more detail but there is only so much you can get in a one hour lecture.


His comments on iron & ferritin levels (despite normal hemoglobin) caught my attention, as did comments about vitamin D. He just mentioned vitamin D in passing and stated that there is little to no data on vitamin D and ADHD specifically, but that it's worth thinking about.

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I watched this video last night. It seems to be a well balanced presentation regarding the integrative approach. I would have liked to hear more detail but there is only so much you can get in a one hour lecture.


His comments on iron & ferritin levels (despite normal hemoglobin) caught my attention, as did comments about vitamin D. He just mentioned vitamin D in passing and stated that there is little to no data on vitamin D and ADHD specifically, but that it's worth thinking about.



I'm curious about this video, too. I'll have to find a quiet time to watch it. I do remember hearing that with in Restless legs syndrom (a neurological disorder) there is a difference in the amount of iron in a certain part of the brain, which I should remember and don't. There's a relationship with that and dopamine levels, which is also related to ADHD. Also, I've read that there is a difference in women with ADD in glucose metabolism in the brain. I wonder how they figure this out. Functional MRI's or SPECT scans, I wonder if the video will tell me....

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Country Life Omega 3 mood is what we use here.

Have you had any recent blood work done? I would check thyroid, iron levels, Vit. D, etc. as all of those are common to be out of wack and can cause the symptoms you are having.


That's also what I usually get but right now I'm just taking Sonne's CLO. Definitely get the thyroid checked with low energy! It's not my problem right now with low energy, but years ago it was for me. It was horrid.

We buy Nature's Way organic extra virgin coconut oil. It's around $9 for a 16 oz. tub. Tastes so good I sometimes just have a spoonful straight out of the tub for a snack. :tongue_smilie:


I love this kind, and it is cheaper on amazon, btw. Right now I'm using Tropical Traditions which is also good. I got a quart free in their recent sale. :)


I will say not much has helped me. I take many supplements for a variety of reasons, but none of them do all of the job. Caffeine helps a lot of people, but it just kills my stomach, so I can't.


Natural Calm is a good magnesium brand. We love Emergen-C packets for vitamin C and B vitamins.


Mostly right now m just trying to work with the ADD. I spend most of my day stretching and getting down on the floor with the kids.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest James01

I have been using Vita4life supplements for some time now. It was recommended by my doctor and have been using it ever since. These are completely filler free and FDA approved. These supplements are fast acting and designed to be easily absorbed by the body. Their complete range of vitamins and supplements include bariatric multivitamins and supplements, ADEK vitamins and supplements, Digestive Enzymes, Vitamin B-12 sublingual, digestive enzymes, Hair Skin and Nail Vitamins and calcium supplements for men.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all,


I must say that there are multiple supplements that can help with ADD, but offcourse this is different for each person. Best is to find out if you are deficient in some nutrients. Supplementing these deficiencies always provides the best results. There are some common supplements that help quite good, like vitamin b, zinc and omega 3. I recently found a supplement, which seems to be made especially for ADD and ADHD. I was wondering i someone can tell me if this seems like a good choice: http://www.voedingssupplementennederland.nl/nl/aov-1109-andohadin-180-st.html. It contains a lot of different nutrients.


I hope someone can help me?



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