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Switch to vocab?

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This is my first year homeschooling, and I got AAS 1 and 2 for my seven year old because it bothered me that she never learned spelling rules, just word lists in school. We are finishing level 2 next week and I have yet to have found a word to stump her, she's known all of them as we get to each level. I am more or less just reading the rules to her, she separates by syllable and memorizes the rule instantly, we move on. It has only taken us this long to get through the two levels because we are getting bored!


I'm wondering if I'm holding her back by slowly going through these rules, when she really would benefit from a vocabulary program? She is one that if she misspells a word once, I correct it and it is never spelled wrong again. But she reads well above the average for her age and is encountering words that she's never seen before. Is there somewhere that I can find all those spelling rules to quickly go through with her so I can move on and get her into word roots and vocabulary? AAS has been great, and I'll use it with my younger when she's ready, but I think we need something else for my older daughter. What do I do?

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LOE sells the spelling rules as flash cards. http://www.logicofenglish.com/store/spelling-rule-flash-cards


How to Teach Spelling (the teacher's manual) has the spelling rules and lists and goes up to advanced rules and words. But it is no where near as easy as the flash card route.


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