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Anyone else struggling with post-holiday blues?

Janie Grace

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I'm not sad that Christmas is over. I think maybe I'm just exhausted. We planned two nights of company this week (tonight is one, Wed. was the other) with an all-day outing yesterday in between. We double dated Tuesday (which was fun, but not emotionally rejuvenating the way it is when dh and I go out one-on-one). My p*riod started Tues. I don't know, I just feel like this week has been so full and tiring. All my time is spoken for (getting ready for guests, caring for kids, etc) and I haven't had any time to just BE after the insanity of Christmas (which included hosting a big crowd Christmas Eve and then family overnight for the three days following).


So it makes sense, right?... That I just feel restless and irritable and exhausted and "over it." I'm scared to go into the second half of the school year like this. :( Is anyone else in this place? Ideas for getting OUT of it? Tomorrow I'm bringing a meal to a new mom but no other big plans. Maybe I can find some breathing room (though dh has to work)...

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I'm not sad that Christmas is over. I think maybe I'm just exhausted. We planned two nights of company this week (tonight is one, Wed. was the other) with an all-day outing yesterday in between. We double dated Tuesday (which was fun, but not emotionally rejuvenating the way it is when dh and I go out one-on-one). My p*riod started Tues. I don't know, I just feel like this week has been so full and tiring. All my time is spoken for (getting ready for guests, caring for kids, etc) and I haven't had any time to just BE after the insanity of Christmas (which included hosting a big crowd Christmas Eve and then family overnight for the three days following).


So it makes sense, right?... That I just feel restless and irritable and exhausted and "over it." I'm scared to go into the second half of the school year like this. :( Is anyone else in this place? Ideas for getting OUT of it? Tomorrow I'm bringing a meal to a new mom but no other big plans. Maybe I can find some breathing room (though dh has to work)...


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We were all sick, missed the Candlelight service Dc had prepared for for months, had zero baking done, and still felt so awful we didn't have Christmas dinner. Then I had to disinfect the house. Yes, I had the blues. That's why I took extra time off to 'just be' as you say. I had planned to start school on Wed. Instead we start on Mon and I'll be ramping up slowly. So my .02 on how to deal with it is take more time off.


I forgot to mention I also took us out of most extracurriculars for the next month. Only one we're sticking wiht is 4H. It's freeing!

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I anticipated that I would have the blues so I made sure we did absolutely nothing for the whole week after Christmas. (We had a couple of things we did, but we didn't school or stress about cleaning.) Having that time to veg helped me avoid the post-Christmas blues for the first time in years. (I am sad that my sister is going back to college on Sunday, but that can't be helped.) :)

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I am feeling relieved that Christmas is over, and that makes me sad.


Wow! This is me this year!


It was emotionally draining. I missed my dad fiercely. I tried to keep up appearances for the kids and ended up making a mess out of Christmas for my ds9. I felt terrible. I've been trying to make it up to him for a week. Ugh. We took 2 weeks off of all outside activities. Well, any that I was in charge of. Ds9 is training for an archery tournament next month so dh took him. I stay home with ds12 and watch Psych or a movie.


We were supposed to start back on Wednesday, too. We didn't. Yesterday, I put together legos and watched Harry Potters all day long. The kids didn't get out of pjs. I made comforting food for dinner (scalloped potatoes and ham) and watched another movie last night. Thank goodness for a few days off of work!

Today, we watched funny movies and went to the library. Dh and ds9 are fishing right now. I'm hanging out reading a book and relaxing. I worked on a digiscrap layout earlier. One that I wanted to print out at home and hang up on the wall. It's just a pic of dh and I with a quote I just found and fell in love with. But, after many attempts it wouldn't print out. I didn't even get upset like I normally would. I just walked away from it.


That's my advice. Walk away from it. Commitments and extras can be shelved for a few weeks. I've told friends that I'm busy or unavailable for the next couple weeks. It's liberating. I enjoy company but I need lots of down time after social interactions. I've had too many interactions lately and need a longer time to recharge. I'm grateful that I have a very understanding husband.


I'm starting to feel a bit better. I've felt like I was in a fog since my dad died in September. I finally feel like the fog is lifting. Dh pointed out to me the other day that I will feel fine once I'm back in my routine. I didn't understand what he meant by that until he reminded me that my dad died. We were dealing with all his "stuff" for 2 months. During those 2 months, ds12 broke both of his arms at the same time, which meant altering all my school schedules, sports schedules,LIFE, etc. Then Christmas time which is when I sell on ebay (extra because I had Mom's stuff too) and we did a yard sale to help Mom. It was a lot on one plate. So, he's right. We're finally getting back to normal and I feel clearer and more focused. Thank goodness.


So, there is hope. Breathe deeply. Slow down. Regroup and try again.

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