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Children's Conference at Great Homeschool Conventions?

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Dh and I are looking into going to the Southeast Homeschool Convention in Greenville, but we would need to take our boys. I know they will not sit through hours of lectures (there are lots of people we want to hear), so we were thinking of putting them in the Children's Conference.

Does anyone have experience with putting their kids there? Pros? Cons?


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We utilize teh children's conference when I go our provincial conference. My kids LOVE it. it is 2 days of bible camp basically. They do crafts, sing songs, watch puppet shows, learn a little skit to put on for parents, memorize scripture, have snacks and have a blast. This year my youngest is finally old enough to attend. So the 2 littles will go to children's conference, my teens will do the teen tract and I attend the regular conference. Kids under the age of 13 are not allowed in our conference hall or vendor hall except at regulated times except for nursing babies(not toddlers), children's conference is for ages 5-12, so most families are excited when their kids can attend because from the ages of 1-4 they need to be left home with a city when you go out of town for the conference.


The children's conference is held in the same building but in a wing that is locked off of the main one. A security guard stand there all day to make sure not just anyone walks in. When you drop your kids off you and they get tags with matching numbers, no tag means no kid. The main doors are unlocked at morning drop off, lunch pick up and drop off and end of day pick up, otherwise those are locked tight too. The kids are in small groups based on age/grade with ratios of 1 leader to 4-5 kids and that leader is in charge of keeping an eye on them within the large group. I really like their set up.

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