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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF everyone!


My list:

Put blockbuster DVD in mailbox.

Clean kitchen



School specials:

Ds15 - finish chem. test.

I think he has too much to finish today on all his studies but we'll find that out at our week's review this morning. High school isn't for wimps.

Dd11 - science reading, Japanese, spelling test.


TSP the cat's bathroom.

Put away the last filter for the furnace.

Put away 5 things from my desk


Dd - volunteer at the Y tonight

Me - Zumba and grading


Need to figure out dinner still

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I've been out of town and missed my daily accountability here! Alright - let's get some things done.




Kitchen cleaned - DH get the credit here not me but it's still done :)

Emails answered



Post office


Figure out January's budget

Go to bank

Make grocery list

Go through inbox

Mail cheques

Find cover picture for this years planner

Print this years planner



Go through inbox

Mail cheques

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I'm with you, Jean.


Today is still semi-lazy like yesterday was.


I'm working on a conversation with someone who wants to buy something I have listed on etsy. I hope I can reach a compromise!

I have to run through my school stuff and make sure all my ducks are in a row for Monday.

Library in a little bit.

I might go to Target. I have a $25 gift card to spend. Or maybe tomorrow.

Might rearrange book shelves or toys. That anxious thing again. When I get anxious, I clean/organize. And I'm worried about tomorrow. I'm going over my friend's tomorrow to help him do the cards for his daughter. I'm worried how I will do. Maybe I'll hold on to that Target card and do some theraputic shopping after I'm done at his place. That's a good idea!


Pizza tonight. Another quiet day and night at home. Love it!

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No school until Monday, but:

- finish maths prep for week

- organize extra history readings

- put next batch of history readings on hold


- meals

- one load laundry (sheets)

- bills, insurance paperwork

- quick clean upstairs bathroom


Keep on with kitchen:

- sort/prune/organize drawers, art cart

- go through freezer contents

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Going on Monday! Plan trip to see a possible horse addition!

Finish grading papers yet again


Amazingly didn't have to complete this one! complain about not being able to read the papers I'm grading!


Movie was seriously dumb...could not finish it and it's in the mail Finish watching movie while grading papers so it can go in the mail


Find possible 4-H kid looking for a project horse.

organize the books for the next few cores (carried over since I didn't get to it yesterday.



People are supposed to get it today...otherwise I have an offer this evening from craigslist for someone to come get it. Get rid of this queen sized mattress taking up my tiny dining room...



Make some bread...not happening today...perhaps tomorrow...

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I've been limiting my "online" time so that I can be more productive.


So, it's now 1:20pm and so far, I've:




take dd15 to co-op (9am)

take "daycare child" to her preschool (9:30am)

breakfast (reheated quiche--spinach, mushroom, ham & cheese)

math, science, handwriting, and English with dd8 and ds

Kindergarten with dd5

Week 1, Day 2 of Couch to 5K (did 2.34 miles in 30 mins)

lunch (kids had leftovers; I had turkey jerky & a cheese stick)

pick up daycare child from preschool (1pm)

2 loads of laundry



pick up dd15 at co-op (2pm)

go to Michael's craft store to get one more wooden crate for ds and 2 more doll stands for dd8

play/supervise daycare child until her mom picks her up (4pm)

work on GS financials (yes, I know this has been on my list for weeks...I just keep putting it off).

prep dinner

watch movie with dh

pack dd8's stuff for her first ice skating lesson tomorrow morning

help dh put the tubs of Christmas decorations back up into the attic of the shed


clean bathroom & kitchen counters



write and mail thank you notes

history lesson with ds and dd8

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Before 11 am check in:


Put blockbuster DVD in mailbox. made dd do it. . . stomp, stomp, stomp. . .

Clean kitchen :boxing_smiley: knocked it out of the park!


Dinner is planned - korean short ribs, brown rice, tomato slices

Had week's review with ds15 - we were both surprised to find out that he has more done than he thought he did of this week's work! :hurray:

Dd has done handwriting and science. :hurray:


Next up:

Put last filter into furnace and close it up.

e-mail to the Y about swim lessons.

Japanese and spelling test with dd11

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Guest inoubliable

I'm in again.



- Craiglist ads

- dishes

- lunch

- list of errands for tomorrow written out, items placed in my errands bag with the list and hung by the front door

- upstairs bedrooms vacuumed


To Do:

- some scanning

- iron on patches that didn't get done yesterday

- finish cleaning out bookmarks and saved stuff in Google reader

- prep the bean balls for tonight's spaghetti

- size up school plans for Monday

- see if I can reserve a book at the library for next week - I really dislike my library

- make list of books to see if library even has - my list of "zero" is complete - total dislike for my local library

- take a nap

-made a phone call to get a refund from a service that I cancelled months ago and suddenly started billing again out of the bluece

- American Community Survey census thing completed and submitted

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So far done today:


Fill up gas tank

drop load at goodwill donation bins

drop off cardboard in recycling bin

pick up dd13 from sleepover

cleaned up front entrance

hauled dryer outside to make room for new one.


Still to do:

setup home notebook

clean kitchen

sort bins stacked in my office

wash and hang 2-3 loads of laundry

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No school until Monday, but:

- finish maths prep for week :coolgleamA:

- organize extra history readings :coolgleamA:

- put next batch of history readings on hold


- meals

- one load laundry (sheets) :coolgleamA:

- bills, insurance paperwork

- quick clean upstairs bathroom :coolgleamA:


Keep on with kitchen:

- sort/prune/organize drawers, art cart :coolgleamA:

- go through freezer contents :coolgleamA:


Plus I made next week's groceries list, and we might go to the B&N this afternoon to use up gift cards the girls received for Christmas.


This morning's tasks were brought to me by Caustic Soda: episodes Fecal Matters and Decapitation, and The History of Rome: The Second Triumvirate.

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4:20pm. I did not anticipate spending an hour at the Sprint store having them look at my 3 day old iphone. I also did not plan on having to go back to the store later tonight when they finish resetting my phone. UGH! The store is a half hour trip each way from our house, so it has taken a big chunk out of my day.




take dd15 to co-op (9am)

take "daycare child" to her preschool (9:30am)

breakfast (reheated quiche--spinach, mushroom, ham & cheese)

math, science, handwriting, and English with dd8 and ds

Kindergarten with dd5

Week 1, Day 2 of Couch to 5K (did 2.34 miles in 30 mins)

lunch (kids had leftovers; I had turkey jerky & a cheese stick)

pick up daycare child from preschool (1pm)

2 loads of laundry

pick up dd15 at co-op (2pm)

go to Michael's craft store to get one more wooden crate for ds and 2 more doll stands for dd8

play/supervise daycare child until her mom picks her up (4pm)

waste half of my afternoon at the Sprint store



work on GS financials (yes, I know this has been on my list for weeks...I just keep putting it off).

prep dinner

watch movie with dh

pack dd8's stuff for her first ice skating lesson tomorrow morning

help dh put the tubs of Christmas decorations back up into the attic of the shed


clean bathroom & kitchen counters

drive back to Sprint store to pick up phone.



write and mail thank you notes

history lesson with ds and dd8

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We planned on being gone most of the day, so not much at home got accomplished, but I know 2 elderly women who are very happy we didn't stay home today.




Made my bed

packed piano music, cranberry bread, and photos to bring with us today

got kids up and Dd in the shower by 8:30 (they have been sleeping in during break)

packed our lunches to bring with us today and thus avoid spending money on eating out

picked up my great uncle

visited a retired missionary who is in a nursing home and saw a beautiful 100+ yr old quilt that belonged to her grandmother

tried to visit another elderly church member, but she was not home yet...so...

stopped in town at a book trader and looked around (too much pulp fiction, didn't find anything)

returned to visit our elderly friend and play piano for her

dropped great uncle off at home

made sure kids took dogs outside to play

checked emails


To do:


finish grooming our cocker spaniel--if I have enough energy - worked on him for 15 mins and had to stop


check to be sure Dd has packed her sewing for tomorrow's 4H meeting

take kids to dog agility class after dinner


Wasn't much of a list, but it's done for the most part and I am tired. I can retire to the couch now! TGIF!

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2 pm - Music class called on account of our digital piano refusing to work. Sigh. I don't know what is wrong with it but one of the wires is awfully hot. . .


Dd is working on a project that doesn't need me.


I am going to roll up my sleeves and tackle the cat's bathroom. Send for help if I don't check back in an hour!

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Reading all your lists, I realize I just ignore the house most of the time. I was trying so hard to keep up on things but. . . . so, still to do


Evening tidy up

Figure out dinner. I ,er, forgot to plan for tonight's dinner.


But I did:

pray first thing

watch a Teach. Co. lecture on Ralph Waldo Emerson with my 17 yo

Do Religion and dictation with 11 and 14 yo

14 and 17 yo did math with tutor while I did math with 11 yo

Did P.E. with 14 yo and went for a fast mile walk with him

Reviewed Latin with 14 yo

Took 14 yo to speech/reading therapist

Read more of my 52 Book book :)

In between all this I talked to my 20 yo home from college.


I should do laundry and I was going to work more with 14 yo but I'm tired now. I think we'll do that tomorrow morning when he's fresh. He's taking ADD meds and when they wear off his tired and kind of moody anyway. So tomorrow would be an more optimum time.


Thanks so much for this daily tackle thread. It really helps me.

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Reading all your lists, I realize I just ignore the house most of the time. I was trying so hard to keep up on things but. . . . so, still to do



We are on break until Mon, so I have had more time for the house. I'll probably be ignoring the house quite a bit next week!

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3 pm - I'm taking a break from washing the bathroom ceiling and walls. It has been more challenging than I thought it would be because I've found some areas that were not sanded correctly and one area that needed to be repaired from when they made the bathroom. I thought about the "just slap paint over it" approach but that isn't how I roll. Darn perfectionism!

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