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Share top two organizational blogs?


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I'm noticing that I get overwhelmed easily. And my resolution for '13 is to "accept what is." Not that I accept getting overwhelmed and will give up, but that I'll accept the reality that I get overwhelmed and work from there.


Anyhoo, can you share your top organizational blogs?


I'm fine in the kitchen, but it's the homeschool stuff: curricula, art, papers, pencils, books, stuff -- everywhere -- that I have such a hard time with.


I look at the beautifully organized pictures on Pinterest and get even more overwhelmed. :) It doesn't help that Dh is a bit of a pack rat (which he keeps to his office) and not the biggest cleaner-upper in the world. Which I accept -- it's not the biggest deal since he has a room/office of his own now.


Thanks for any suggestions!



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Delightful Order - her house is awesome - she's VERY organized

IHeart Organizing - an active, pretty blog - she has lots of contributors so you'll see a whole range of organization

The Nest Effect - she's a teacher - She loves to organize and she'll tell you about her struggles

Becoming Minimalist - I threw Joshua Becker into this list because minimizing my household goods helps me to be more organized


ETA: And apparently I can't follow directions today. :rofl: I can't pick a two top - how's top four?

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