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Nourishing Traditions folks


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I have some questions..


What kind of oils/fats do you use especially for frying? HATE the taste of coconut so coconut oil Is completely out for cooking. I have a child with nut allergies so that is out too. We happily use ghee in most of our dishes though which I am happy with, but I need an oil for certain things. Which would be the lesser of the evils?


Also, what supplements do your kids take?



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We fry in lard when we can get it. If you can find a farmer to sell you fatback, it is usually fairly cheap and very easy to render yourself. The grocery store lard is nasty stuff and you'd probably be better off using vegetable oil. But fat from clean pigs is great. I've never tried tallow but it's the same idea.


For supplements we really just do cod liver oil. We buy it in bulk from Radiant Life (or sometimes I find a sale on another site, but prices don't vary much) and split it with my sister. When there is illness we do elderberry and Vitamin C.

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We use lard (we purchased a 1/2 pastured pig this year and got lots of lard!), coconut oil (we buy both the flavored and non--the non flavored has no taste, have you tried that kind?) and sometimes macadamia or avocado oil for cooking, although they are more expensive. For everything else we use olive.

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Have you try refined coconut oil, it does not have the coconut flavor. From my research as well it still has the health benefits as well. I make homemade tallow and lard when I buy 1/2 hog and beef as well.


Supplements: Cod liver oil- fermented is best but it burns and the kids don't tolerate it well and D3- in the winter time.

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I use coconut oil without any flavor...my brand is Tropical Traditions, Expelled-Pressed Coconut Oil. My DH absolutely hates the taste of coconut "where coconut doesn't belong" ;), and even he cannot taste this brand. Tropical Traditions has some brands that taste wonderfully like coconut, but the expeller pressed kind definitely does not.

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I haven't tried coconut oil without flavor. Have to see if I can find that here...



I don't think I've ever seen it with flavor! But, I agree that TT is a great brand. Personally, I prefer Nutiva which I get a good price on from Amazon. Most NT folks seem to think both brands are "good" but have a preference for one or the other. So if you try TT and dont' care for it, give Nutiva a try before you give up on coconut oil.

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