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How do you use Primary Grade Challenge Math?


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I got this for dd because she's pretty mathy, and said MEP was easy lol. We are continuing with MEP, at an accelerated pace, but I thought I'd add this in too. I got it in today and she's been working on it for a bit now, wouldn't even put it down during dinner. My question is how did you use it? Did it just add an extra equation of two to your regular math program? Do you work all the level 1 problems first, then level 2? Do you go by chapters? Do you devote a whole day to this math? She really loves this kind of math, I wish there was a whole curriculum like it!

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I actually use it with both my kids. I read aloud, with them looking over my shoulder, and then have dd do level 1 and 2, and ds does level 3 and Einstein. We genrally do this in addition to LOF, sometimes instead of LOF. I plan to have dd go back through it ater and do the two upper levels, while ds will move on to the next book. We do a chapter at a time.

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Ds just lurved Primary Grade challenge Math! That was our only math, rather than a supplement.


We did it pretty much how it was laid out. So I'd run through the beginning explanations, and ds would do level I, then 2 and 3. Sometimes, level 3 was just too big a leap, so we'd just skip. It doesn't move smoothly along a cumulative knowledge path. I recall some squaring or other in the early chapters. That led to a bunny trail where I explained to ds what it was. Ds' learning style was to learn it, enjoy it, solve the problems, and then forget what squaring was after a few weeks :p. but that variability fed his interest in the subject. In our case, because of ds' various learning disabilities (great abstract understanding but zero rote memory), I learned (painfully!) to accept that we'd be moving back into the same topics several times over coming years.

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I just pull it off the shelf every couple of weeks and we devote a few days to it. DS7 does a chapter at a time. He has also done a number of the chapters just on his own, for fun, so I'm never quite sure what has been completed and what hasn't. (Obviously, this book was an excellent investment for us, and I just bought the next book, Challenge Math, the other day.)

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We do Primary Grade Challenge Math as a supplement to Math Mammoth. We work on it on most days, as "funny math" is my son's favorite subject. We aim for a level per day, but occasionally break a level up into two days, if it becomes too much work (like the multiplication chapter without a calculator.)

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I let my 9yo choose which math book to do each day, so if she chooses that book then we read through the intro part of the chapter and then try to get through all 4 levels, if possible. We do most of it orally, but sometimes she works on the white board to figure problems out.

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