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What are you avoiding?


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I realize I am getting sucked into the board today so I can avoid 'tackling' the day (as Jean would say). So, I'm listing what I'm avoiding here (and what I can do about it) in hopes it will get me moving.


1. Putting away decorations - get Dd to help me

2. Exercise - get it over with before tackling the decorations

3. Decide if Dd is going to an upcoming dog show in Feb - find the info and ponder while exercising

4. Deciding when to visit elderly friends from church - think this over while exercising

5. making school plans- clear the front room table and pile the books there so I have easy access and can get started.

6. Deciding if I'm going to teach the public speaking class I discussed with friends and decide how many kids I want and where I will hold it- discuss with Dh and great uncle later today to gain some perspective


I think that's enough for now.


What are you avoiding?

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Avoiding proofreading my course descriptions for what must be the fifteenth time. I proof, I fix, I proof again and find still more problems. I nearly sent the thing claiming a literature class was worth 0.05 credits (what would that entail, do you think? Driving past the bookstore once or twice?).

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I am so tired, but every time I go to lay down I just start coughing my head off.


That stinks! I hope you feel better soon!


I'm also in big avoidance mode, and I'm letting the boards suck me in. Here's what I'm avoiding...


Laundry... lots of laundry. I don't mind doing it; I hate folding it and putting it away.

Cleaning my bathroom

Cleaning the litterbox

Putting away the last bit of gifts I received from my mom (she went overboard this year in a big way & although I am so grateful, I need space!)

Organizing... every room. If I decluttered and organized every room, I probably wouldn't mind putting everything away. It's SO daunting though...


Sigh... I want a fairy to come through, wave her wand, and get it all settled for me... is that unrealistic? :)

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1). The dishes


2). The floors


3). The play/school room


4). My birthday - it's my 40th, and I can't figure out how that happened; I don't feel worthy of the # - not a source of wisdom, not accomplished, not as pulled together as I thought I would be by now - and it seems like it has all gone by in a blink! So, yeah, I'm trying to avoid THE number. I think I need to work on avoidance strategies.

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For once I'm not here avoiding anything. :D I'm here because I wore myself out doing what I planned to do today plus a lot more and am waiting for DS to get back from his pre-school bathroom trip (might need to make myself another cup of coffee).


Tomorrow I may be here avoiding the cleaning of the oven.

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Not avoiding this time - rewarding myself instead. Today I sorted out Calvin's ticket down to London, took the dog for a walk, put on a wash and dried it, organised the boys to finish their homework, deep cleaned the hallway (cleaning around five hundred books) and cooked supper (chorizo fried rice and stir fried cabbage).



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Looking for my mud boots out in the garage. The garage is pretty well clean and picked up, but I can't find my boots and it's going to take a major search. I'm only going outside because I feel like I should lay my eyes on the horses, not because I particularly want to go out in this sludgy, muddy, melted snow wet mess.

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Cleaning the kitchen.


I know I did it yesterday, and the day before that, and even twice the day before that.


Our kitchens must be alike b/c mine is the same way! But don't you have a super duper crown that makes everything magically happen?


Right now when I search "New Posts" the post just below this one reads, "Vomiting ...."


I tried avoiding that last week and it didn't work.



I think I'm actually avoiding confronting the sad truth that these days I seem to enjoy sitting reading this forum far more than I enjoy homeschooling.


Add that one to my list too!


I'm heading to the treadmill now. Decided to take down decorations first. Got all but the mantle decluttered (why did I ever think that stuff looked pretty? I guess it was just shiny?)

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I'm avoiding working on my book, finishing the picture-revamping project I started and putting the room I just painted yesterday back in order. It's working well so far!

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Laundry... lots of laundry. I don't mind doing it; I hate folding it and putting it away...


Sigh... I want a fairy to come through, wave her wand, and get it all settled for me... is that unrealistic? :)


I've found the fairies in my house are evil and only create more work. They never actually help. ;) Also, it's too bad we aren't neighbors. I hate actually doing and changing the loads, but I don't mind folding them once everything is clean and in baskets!!


Cleaning the kitchen. I know I did it yesterday, and the day before that, and even twice the day before that.


I can't figure that out either. You know how they say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Well, clearly, it's insane to keep cleaning the kitchen. :D


I think I'm actually avoiding confronting the sad truth that these days I seem to enjoy sitting reading this forum far more than I enjoy homeschooling.


Um... yeah, that. I'm a great idea person, LOL. It's the implementation and maintenance where I get stuck!!


So, I am avoiding cleaning the kitchen (obviously), vacuuming the house, and getting everything ready to start lessons again tomorrow.

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Cleaning. :glare:


I made big plans for today. But then a certain someone woke up at 3 o'clock to snuggle with mom and dad, making sure to talk our ears off, then fall asleep, kick and turn, finally kicking us out of our bed.


The upside - hubby and I got some quality time together (watching Restaurant Impossible and Modern Marvels). :p

Downside - I'm exhausted now.

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