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those that went flour free/ no flour


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Those that eliminated flour from their diet (non celiac people) for weight loss either just flour by itself or the entire white diet (no flour, potatoes, rice, sugar). Did you substitute with other flour alternatives (like the gluten free flours) or just cut it out altogether. I did it for 2 weeks with no flour and felt great. Although I miss my bread items. But wondering if all the flour alternatives (those primarily for gluten free diets) are just more calorie and sugar dense.

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When I did this, I gave it up entirely and did not use substitutes. I started with a couple months of almost no carbs at all (no potatoes, rice, etc) but then added back in just potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans.


Between the diet that I was on and my ds' lactose intolerance, I have found that many substitutes just taste fake to me. Both ds and I have found we are just happier eliminating altogether. YMMV

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I don't do substitutes. I think that the idea of going low carb is that eventually you will reduce the cravings for carb-rich foods. In the past when I've tried to do substitutes (like sugar-free desserts or low-carb breads), I still felt deprived and ended up craving the real thing.

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any other lunch ideas for this that's not soups or salads? We're so used to sandwiches its hard to think of anything else.


We struggle with this, as we have always loved sandwiches. It works best when we eat left-overs from the night before. Or, we'll make "sandwiches" but use romaine leaves in place of bread.


I need more non-sandwich, non-soup ideas, too.

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I completely gave it up. No substitutes. But I have had someone kindly make me a desert that's supposed to be gluten-free, and I ate that. It was so nice of them, I just don't make it for myself.


any other lunch ideas for this that's not soups or salads? We're so used to sandwiches its hard to think of anything else.



I eat a primal diet, so I'm not afraid of a little fat. I have eggs and bacon for lunch often. Or I'll have huge salads with avocado, plain yogurt, a little shredded cheese, and some salsa on top. Yum! Or I'll have leftovers from dinner (meat and veggies).

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I typically stay away from replacements but if you're really craving a sandwich, Costco just started selling a GF bread, The Essential Baking Company Multi-Grain. It's VERY good. 10g carbs per slice.


Foods I typically eat are meats, veggies, a small amount of fruit, eggs, cheese, cream, butter. If you do a Google search for Low Carb High Fat recipes, you'll find a lot of great ideas.

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any other lunch ideas for this that's not soups or salads? We're so used to sandwiches its hard to think of anything else.

Chicken stir fry over rice? We do use substitutes like gluten free crackers with tuna or Pioneer Woman's pico de gallo with gluten free corn chips. We also like quinoa salads. I have found a few quinoa salad recipes on Pinterest.

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