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My oldest son is applying to work at our local Boy Scout camp this summer. He asked me what the form is asking on a certain question and I don't know.


I know someoe here will know.


This is how the form reads


Youth Organization Experience:


Currently registered as:

Unit No.


Number of Years tenue as youth ------- Adult -------------------


What do they want in the Currently registered as blank? His rank? Youth?


Thanks in advance. When talking me into allowing him to apply for the job, he told me that my food bill would go down if he works at camp.I thought it was a good selling point for a parent.




Unit number would be the troop number for the troop he is a member of. Council is the local council. Number of years is how long he has a been scout.


Thanks. I put those to show what else was asked in this section.


I'm wondering what to put for currently registered as. I'm now leaning toward Youth.


"currently registered as" would be his current Boy Scout rank (1st class, Life Scout, Eagle Scout, etc). If he is not currently a boy scout, then you would put "none".


Thanks. That was my original thought, however, what would a college student or adult put in the blank if itwants tank?


In the same section the form also asks for Achievements, so we were leaning toward putting his rank there. I don't think he has any other achievements. There is also a blank for offices held.


We are making this way too complicated.


Thanks. That was my original thought, however, what would a college student or adult put in the blank if itwants rank.


An adult would put "Scouter." A college student would be the same unless they are in a Venture Crew then they would put that rank. Either way, if he is an Eagle Scout, he'd likely list that as well, for example :" Scouter/Eagle Scout"

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