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Little dude is sick..... And I'm enjoying it. :(


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Oh and I was gonna wish that he feel better soon, but I guess you don't want me to do that. LOL



As long as this does not morph into something more, no i do not wish he felt better! Lol. I know I'm terrible.


He took his regular meds and we started xopenex to keep his lungs well. THAT would be extremely bad because oral steroids and this boy are the worst combination possible, so i jump on pretreating with the hope of getting in front of it.


He doesn't have a fever, he's not lethargic, etc. He is simply snotty, cold-virus-looking, and in a great mood!

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No... they don't really feel like doing anything (school work, cleaning up, etc) when they are sick, and I don't make them. I feel terrible for them when they are sick, though I do try to see it as an opportunity to make memories of Mommy loving on them in a unique and tender way. I guess I do remember enjoying when my active ones became a bit more snuggly -- but not to the point of being glad they were sick. Hope your guy feels better soon.

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Mine is an emotional mess when he's sick. Well, I guess not when he's so sick he's laying on the couch not moving or sleeping all day. I guess it's a break from the constant moving and talking but it doesn't feel good for me to watch of course! When he's past that he's a royal mess until he's at least sleeping through the night again. It sounds like your guy is actually just mellow and happy rather than miserable. I can see being glad for that. Do you think maybe he sleeps more when he's sick? For mine lack of sleep is more of a factor than the sickness I think.

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My oldest became really mellow when she was sick when she was little, when she felt better she was hell on wheels so I sympathize. Yes it meant I got crap for sleep but it also meant I had a mellow child. Now at 12 she's a whinny miserable pill when she's sick but when she was a baby/toddler it meant she was calm lol

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He's currently cleaning up his lincoln logs so he can help me finish my lego ship. He did not have a tantrum of any sort.


He's so compliant when he's sick. I hate that i enjoy this time. He'll probably complete his school work without issue, as well.


Are any of your kids a happy sick?



Many moms of kids with autism-related diagnoses say the same thing, especially if the illness is viral (cold, flu, etc.) Not sure if your son's on the spectrum or not, but if he is, I'm not surprised that he's "better" (behaviorally) when he's mildly ill.



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